Top 10 Reasons to Smile (by

Info Source:

Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just one fun way to live longer read about the others and try as many as you can.

Note: Stay up-to-date on longevity and anti-aging with my weekly newsletter.

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in (avoid these
smile aging habits to keep your smile looking great).

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood
Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling Is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

More Fun Ways to Live Longer

The Singapore Vegetarian Meetup Group

The Singapore Vegetarian Meetup Group was founded on August 30, 2007.

Please visit

Gout: Rich man's disease no more (By April Chong)

The following was reported in Mind Your Body of the Straits Times dated 27 May 2010 by April Chong.

Gout: Rich man's disease no more

The painful joint disease used to strike only those who indulged in rich foods but now it afflicts people from all strata of society as more have access to good food
By April Chong


Gout, known as the disease of kings or the rich man's disease, has had a long history - the Egyptians first wrote about gouty big toes in 2,600BC.

Today, however, the ailment is no longer confined to the nobility or rich.

Gout is a type of arthritis characterised by swollen, painful and red joints. While the base of the big toe is the most common spot, the feet, fingers, wrists, elbows, knees or ankles can also be affected.

This happens when the body produces too much uric acid or cannot get rid of the excess acid, which comes from the breakdown of purine.

Purine is a nitrogenous substance that forms part of the body's cells and is usually found in high-protein food.

If there is excessive purine in the blood due to too much purine-rich food, there will be excessive uric acid in the blood.

This leads to the deposition of its crystal in the joints and tendons, causing gout, said Dr Low Chee Kwang, an orthopaedic surgeon from United Orthopaedic Specialists.

The condition can be so serious that multiple joints can become swollen. There is severe pain, making walking or going to work difficult, said consultant rheumatologist Wei Howe Koh, who runs the Arthritis and Rheumatism Medical Clinic.

In some cases, patients can develop lumps of uric acid under the skin at the joints, known as tophi. These are generally painless, albeit unsightly.

The disease often recurs because many patients do not stick to their medication or diet, said Dr Wei.

More young people getting it

Gout is usually hereditary, although it can be exacerbated by a rich diet. Hence, not everyone with high uric acid levels will necessarily get gout unless he consumes excessive levels of purine.

For example, kidney patients, who tend to have high uric acid levels because their kidneys cannot handle its excretion, may not show symptoms of gout, observed Dr Angeline Goh, a consultant at Singapore General Hospital's renal department.

The risk of getting gout increases when one is male, overweight and over the age of 40, or when one has certain blood disorders like leukaemia or takes certain hypertensive medications.

Women are less likely to get gout because of the protective effect of the female hormone oestrogen. But the incidence of gout in women increases when they hit post-menopausal age, said Dr Wei.

It can be a lifelong problem if not tackled and excessive uric acid can get deposited in the soft tissues of the ears, hands and feet and the kidneys, leading to their blockage and renal failure.

Studies around the world suggest that more people are coming down with gout and that it is no longer a rich man's disease.

Gout affects about 1.5 per cent of people in Britain and 2 per cent in the United States. Statistics on the situation here are not available, although some doctors say there appears to be more young people seeking treatment for it.

They attribute this to increasing affluence, with more people having access to more food.

The availability of high-purine food such as sausages and fried chicken, as well as the fact that people are consuming more alcohol and ready-made sauces, are the main culprits, said Magdalin Cheong, the chief dietitian at Changi General Hospital's dietetic and food services.

It is no wonder that gout seems to be hitting a younger crowd as they turn to drinking and eating rich food and shun fresh fruit and vegetables.

Watch your diet

To keep gout at bay, drink plenty of water to dilute the uric acid and avoid alcohol and high-purine food like animal organs and shellfish, advised Dr Low.

A 2004 American study published in the journal Lancet found that men who drank two or more beers a day were 2.5 times more likely to develop gout than those who did not drink.

Another report published in the British Medical Journal in 2008 found that men who consumed two or more sweet soft drinks a day have an 85 per cent higher risk of gout compared with those who drink less than one a month.

While controlling the diet is important, doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to control uric acid deposition.

There are are also alternative treatments for gout, including taking cherries, coffee or more vitamin C.

However, doctors say that those embarking on alternative treatments should do ample research, monitor the effects of such treatments and seek a qualified health professional's advice when in doubt.

Also, some other forms of arthritis can be mistaken for gout and vice versa.

For example, in pseudogout - literally false gout - calcium pyrophospate crystals are deposited instead of uric acid, leading to symptoms similar to gout, said

Dr Wei. In this case, trying to lower purine or uric acid levels in the body, or taking uric acid-lowering drugs would not have worked.

Gout is usually diagnosed by a blood test to measure uric acid levels or an analysis of the joint fluids to detect uric acid crystals.

Hence, seeking proper medical help is always important.

My Weight (Loss) Management from 2007-05-28 to 2010-05-28 (weight loss by Calories Restriction With Optimal Nutrition - CRON)

2007-05-28 morning, my weight = 65.0 kg, BMI = 23.588
2007-06-28 morning, my weight = 61.0 kg, BMI = 22.136
2007-07-28 morning, my weight = 59.0 kg, BMI = 21.410
2007-08-28 morning, my weight = 58.7 kg, BMI = 21.302
2007-09-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866
2007-10-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866
2007-11-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394
2007-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140
2008-01-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2008-02-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2008-03-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777
2008-04-28 morning, my weight = 54.4 kg, BMI = 19.741
2008-05-28 morning, my weight = 54.1 kg, BMI = 19.632
2008-06-28 morning, my weight = 54.6 kg, BMI = 19.814
2008-07-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777
2008-08-28 morning, my weight = 54.3 kg, BMI = 19.705
2008-09-28 morning, my weight = 54.9 kg, BMI = 19.923
2008-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.3 kg, BMI = 20.068
2008-11-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777
2008-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177
2009-01-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2009-02-28 morning, my weight = 55.9 kg, BMI = 20.285
2009-03-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2009-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.3 kg, BMI = 20.068
2009-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.4 kg, BMI = 20.104.
2009-06-28 morning, my weight = 55.2 kg, BMI = 20.031
2009-07-28 morning, my weight = 55.1 kg, BMI = 19.995
2009-08-28 morning, my weight = 55.2 kg, BMI = 20.031
2009-09-28 morning, my weight = 56.3 kg, BMI = 20.431
2009-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.8 kg, BMI = 20.249
2009-11-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394
2009-12-28 morning, my weight = 56.1 kg, BMI = 20.358
2010-01-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177
2010-02-28 morning, my weight = 56.5 kg, BMI = 20.503
2010-03-28 morning, my weight = 56.4 kg, BMI = 20.467
2010-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.7 kg, BMI = 20.213
2010-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.1 kg, BMI = 19.995

Note 1: At 0630 hour of 2010-05-28. Watson Scale = 54.6 kg + 500g = 55.1 kg

Note 2: At 0650 hour of 2010-04-28. Watson Scale = 55.2 kg and Tanita Scale = 55.7 kg which is the same as Watson reading (in kg) + 500g.

On 2010-03-28, at about 7.40 am, my weight by Camry = 55.9 kg + 500g = 56.4 kg. I also used Tanita BC-532 Body Composition Monitor to confirm that my weight was 56.4 kg.

Note 3: From 2010-02-01, Watson weighing scale has replaced Camry, which became faulty. In the past reading of Camry was about 500g more than that of Watson. To maintain consistency, so my weight =Watson reading (in kg) + 500g.

On 2010-03-28, at about 7.40 am, my weight by Camry = 55.9 kg + 500g = 56.4 kg. I also used Tanita BC-532 Body Composition Monitor to confirm that my weight was 56.4 kg.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

For me, the range of healthy weight is 50.9786 kg (BMI = 18.5) to 63.10324 kg (BMI = 22.9).

People with BMI values of 23 kg/m2 (or 25 kg/m2 according to some sources) and above have been found to be at risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

To be healthy, I must have a healthy weight.

Be as lean as possible without being underweight,

as recommended by World Cancer Prevention Foundation, United Kingdom.


The following is from the website of the company at

Our Mission

To advocate the public on traditional healthy plant-based diet to benefits the Mother Earth, non-humans and the individual.

Our Services

1. Vegetarian Culinary Workshops - All our culinary workshops are done in the vegetarian or vegan way.

2. Conduct health talk and cooking demo for schools, clubs, institutions, etc..

3. Provide consultation for fasting, detoxification, vegetarian dietry, natural health practices and weight-loss program.

4. Provide consultation for vegetarian/vegan food business and organic retail shop setup.

Information on Eating Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Management

This U.S. government webpage recommends substituting plant foods for animal based foods in order to maintain a healthy weight.

Lots of good suggestions, including eating foods in their natural state:

http://www.cdc. gov/healthyweigh t/healthy_eating/ fruits_vegetable s.html

Organic Living (Singapore) -

On 28 may 2010, I just came across the Organic Living (Singapore) - founded on February 28, 2010 .

Please visit

Friday, May 21, 2010

What is Your Cellular Age? (The age of human cells)


Dr. Jonas Frisen was working in his lab, when he found something that almost caused him to fall off of his lab stool.

Dr. Frisen is a stem cell biologist in Stockholm. He was working on developing a new way to estimate the ages of human cells.

Now, most of you are probably thinking, so what. I am 20 or 30 or whatever age you are, so my cells are the same age.

That is what Dr. Friesen and many other scientists thought also.

However, the startling fact is that, the age of your cells ranges from 7 to 10 years old throughout your life.

Cells replace themselves all the time. Some cells replace themselves every day, some over several years and some not at all.

But, most cells in your own body are less than 10 years old.

So even if you are 50 or 60 years old, your body is under ten years old.

Except for a couple of places. These cells are formed at birth and grow older with you. The main area is in the brain, specifically the cerebral cortex.

Another area is in the lens of the eye. And possibly in the cells of the muscles of the heart.
So if most of you is only 10 years old, then why do you feel 50, especially when you get up in the morning - or is that just me?

Well, there are a lot of theories about this, ranging from oxidation and its negative effects on your body to stem cells wearing out, to DNA degradation.

In other words no one knows for sure.

What we do know if that all of these things are affected, at least in part, by your diet and lifestyle.

Which means that you can put a brake on the aging process.

How do you do this? Simple.

You have to watch what you eat, eat less and exercise.

I know, that is so boring, yet it is so easy to do.

The key is to do a little every day.

The quickest way to not accomplish these goals is to make big changes in your life.

In other words, go ahead and stop eating your junk food, eat way less and start exercising every day.

Why do I say that this is the quickest way to not accomplish your goals?

Because you won't keep it up. About 99.9% of the world cannot make drastic changes and keep them as part of their new life style.

Your body, mind and spirit will rebel. Even if it is good for you.

Remember the expression "same old, same old". Used when someone asks how are things.

Well you body wants to keep things the "same old, same old" way. Of course there is a scientific term for this and it is called homeostasis.

It means the same. Your body will resist changes, especially drastic changes. The same is true for your mind and spirit.

So, if you want to introduce these good changes (eat less, cut out junk food and exercise more) so that your body cells stay 7 to 10 years old into your 80's and 90's, then start slowly.

Build up gradually. This is not a race, it is a lifestyle change.

To get started with an exercise program, no matter what your age, that is easy, fun and only takes 7 minutes a day, just click here:

Copyright 2006 Mike Pickering. All rights reserved.

Mike has been teaching health and fitness for over 35 years. He now writes a newsletter and articles such as: What diet is best for you, celery and carrots or cake and ice cream?

Find out the shocking answer in your Free three part report: The Confusion Over Diets. Just click here:,

Inside the Cell (Human Cell) --- Free Online Open Textbook

Inside the Cell
Author: Alisa Zapp Machalek This is a short, free online textbook that describes cell basics, cellular specialities, cellular...
Type: Open Textbook
Date Added: Feb 15, 2010
Date Modified: Apr 05, 2010

Table of Contents

Preface: The Microscopic Metropolis Inside You

Chapter 1: An Owner's Guide to the Cell

Chapter 2: Cells 101: Business Basics

Chapter 3: On the Job: Cellular Specialties

Chapter 4: Cellular Reproduction: Multiplication By Division

Chapter 5: The Last Chapter: Cell Aging And Death


Study suggests processed meat a real health risk

(Reuters) Eating bacon, sausage, hot dogs and other processed meats can raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes, U.S. researchers said on Monday in a study that identifies the real bad boys of the meat counter.

For details, please visit

A Chat with Dr. Devi Shetty (Heart Specialist) on all Heart Matters

A chat with Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya (Heart
Specialist) Bangalore was arranged by WIPRO for its employees.

The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for

Qn: What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?


1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil

2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and

avoid sitting for a longtime

3. Quit smoking

4. Control weight

5. Control blood pressure and sugar

Qn: Is eating non-veg food (fish) good for the heart?

Ans: No

Qn: It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person

gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?

Ans: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the

age of 30 to undergo routine health checkups.

Qn: Are heart diseases hereditary?

Ans: Yes

Qn: What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you

suggest to de-stress?

Ans: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything

in life.

Qn: Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to

keep a healthy heart?

Ans: Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and

injury to joints

Qn: You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do


Ans: Mother Theresa , who was my patient

Qn: Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?

Ans: Extremely rare

Qn: Does cholesterol accumulates right from an early age

(I'm currently only 22) or do you have to worry about it only after you are

above 30 years of age?

Ans: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.

Qn: How do irregular eating habits affect the heart ?

Ans: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body's

enzyme release for digestion gets confused.

Qn: How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?

Ans: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.

Qn: Can yoga prevent heart ailments?

Ans: Yoga helps.

Qn: Which is the best and worst food for the heart?

Ans: Fruits and vegetables are the

best and the worst is oil.

Qn: Which oil is better - groundnut, sunflower, olive?

Ans: All oils are bad ..

Qn: What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific


Ans: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmill

test after an echo.

Qn: What are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?

Ans: Help the person into a sleeping position ,

place an aspirin tablet under the

tongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary care

unit since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.

Qn: How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that

caused due to gastric trouble?

Ans: Extremely difficult without ECG.

Qn: What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst

youngsters? I see people of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and

serious heart problems.

Ans: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also, sedentary lifestyles,

smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are genetically

three times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.

Qn: Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80

and yet be perfectly healthy?

Ans: Yes.

Qn: Marriages within close relatives can lead to heart problems for the child.

Is it true?

Ans : Yes, co-sanguinity leads to congenital abnormalities and you may not have

a software engineer as a child

Qn: Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay

late nights in office. Does this affect our heart ? What precautions would you


Ans : When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities.

However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock.

Qn: Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short /

long term)?

Ans : Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensive

drugs are extremely safe.

Qn: Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?

Ans : No.

Qn: Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?

Ans : No.

Qn: How would you define junk food?

Ans : Fried food like Kentucky , McDonalds , samosas, and even masala dosas.

Qn: You mentioned that Indians are three times more vulnerable. What is the

reason for this, as Europeans and Americans also eat a lot of junk food?

Ans: Every race is vulnerable to some disease and unfortunately, Indians are

vulnerable for the most expensive disease.

Qn: Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension?

Ans : No.

Qn: Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of

forwarded emails on this)?

Ans : Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description

under the tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unit

without any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time, the

ambulance does not turn up.

Qn: Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart

Ans : No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your

exercise capacity.

Qn: Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does

walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house,

work as a substitute for exercise?

Ans : Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even

the act of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps

a lot..

Qn: Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar?

Ans: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart

attacks than non-diabetics.

Qn: What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation?

Ans : Diet, exercise, drugs on time , Control

cholesterol, BP, weight..

Qn: Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when

compared to day shift workers?

Ans : No.

Qn: What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?

Ans : There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right

combination for your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for

natural ways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to reduce weight and
changing attitudes towards lifestyles.

Qn: Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?

Ans : No.

Qn: Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?

Ans : Nature protects women till the age of 45.

Qn: How can one keep the heart in a good condition?

Ans : Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and,
go for health checkup s if you are past the age of 30 ( once in six months
recommended) ....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Your food becomes your body.

Your food becomes your body.

Your thoughts become your words.

Your words become your actions.

Your actions become your habits.

Your habits form your characters.

Your characters decide your destiny.

By HL123

Monday, May 10, 2010

Smiles are the language of love.

Smiles are the language of love.
Smile, it's free therapy.

Most smiles are started by another smile ,
though it is easier to make people
cry than to make them smile.

In fact when you smile at someone,
nine times out of 10 the other person will smile back
and you've made two people's days brighter and happier

So do yourself a big favor today;
Smiles around you. Friends you make.
People you are with.Ideas you have.
Dreams you chase.Love you spread.

Remember that you haven't lost your smile at all,
it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there .

No matter what bad things happen to you but Keep A Smile on your face..

PLEASE KEEP SMILING Because you look beautiful when you smile.

- Life-Changing-Words

Note: I received the above text on Smiles from a friend on 2010-05-09, Sunday, via email.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My non-vegetarian dinner (MAGGI® LOW FAT NOODLE (Curry flavour) on 8 May 2010

After taking only healthy vegetarian food for six days, at about 7.30 pm on 8th May 2010, Saturday, I cook noodle soup with a packet of MAGGI® LOW FAT NOODLE (Curry flavour) for my dinner. Other ingredients were 100 grams of fish, 3 pork balls, 1 egg and about 30 grams of xiao bai cai. Total energy of the food was about 600 Kcal.

To me, the dinner was still relatively unhealthy although MAGGI® LOW FAT NOODLE (Curry flavour) is much healthier than other instant noodles.

So instant noodles should be taken once every few months!
Note: The following is the description of the noodle form

MAGGI® LOW FAT NOODLES – The Ultimate Healthier Choice,Best Enjoyed without Guilt!

High in Taste, Low in Fat,

MAGGI® Healthier Choice Low Fat Noodle now contains up to 96% less fat compared to regular instant noodles. This is made possible due to our science-based expertise and the state-of-the art technology from the Nestlé R & D Centre. The innovation involves using air-drying technology instead of the usual deep frying process. As such, significantly less oil is used while still delivering the ‘fried’ taste that consumer desire.

MAGGI® Healthier Choice Low Fat Noodles is the truly healthier yet tasty noodles. Besides being low fat, this range also has up to 40% less sodium compared to regular instant noodles. In addition, it contains no trans fat and does not have added MSG.

The range of MAGGI® Healthier Choice is available in five delicious flavors – Curry, Chicken, Assam Laksa, Tom Yam and Prawn and retails at S$2.85/per pack of 5.

Now, health conscious consumers can truly enjoy tasty instant noodles without guilt!