Friday, June 30, 2017



王晓美发文 2017-06-19 


111歲高夀老人 周有光——壽,人人都想。但壽命長短,差距很大。有的死於嬰幼兒,有的能活過百歲。我們總想知道的是:怎樣才能長壽。面相學認為耳垂長的能長壽,手相學認為生命線粗的能長壽,西醫認為有病去醫院能長壽,中醫認為,營衛氣不散懂得保養的人能長壽。

總之,各家說法不一。但有一點,大家都想長壽。今天我們著重來說說: 50歲以後,如何長壽。 想50歲後請看護,就請停止粗茶淡飯。首先要說一點的是,即便現在我們很人多都是不愁吃穿了,但還是有不少人堅持粗茶淡飯、不沾葷腥最養生,每餐一碗白飯配醬菜就輕鬆打發。 在過去,老年人不沾葷腥是一種教條,葷食是高血壓、高血脂、高血糖疾病誘發的罪魁禍首, 而現在,越來越多高齡者被營養學家、中醫師建議“要吃肉”。

為什麼呢?老人健康的關鍵與其說是疾病,不如說是老化。若要抑制老化,粗茶淡飯不但沒有幫助,反會增加老化速度高夀111歲的中文拼音之父周有光曾經也說過:“ 我的長壽秘訣:一、吃肉,二、不動,三、千萬別聽醫生的。醫生說的都對,但不適合我。”根據日本厚生省(一個日本的政府部門名稱)《健康營養調查》,年紀越大,營養不足,每五位80到84歲的老人就有一位被歸類為“低營養族群”,85歲以上的人則有1/3沒有攝取足夠營養。

我們講,吃得越清淡,老化就越嚴重。原因是,老年人胃口變小後,三餐要是粗茶淡飯,熱量和營養素就會不足,免疫力因此下降。營養不足使得因心肌梗塞、狹心症等心血管疾病死亡的風險變大, “若高營養族群的死亡風險是1,低營養族群的風險就是2.5倍”。為此,我們的鄰國日本曾警示他們的民眾: 長期營養攝取不足,死亡風險可能倍增,認知機能也會下降。(低營養族群:BMI指數在20以下的狀況越嚴重)一項調查結果表明,不吃肉的人比兩天吃一次肉的人患癡呆症的概率要高一倍。

.======The end ======

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

My Weight on 2017-06-28.

My Weight
0718 hr
62.6 kg
BMI 22.717

Sunday, June 25, 2017























(想看更多合你口味的内容,马上下载 今日头条)

The ten commandments of success6

The ten commandments of success

Saturday, June 24, 2017

If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win

If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The benefits of walking

The benefits of walking.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Immune-enhancing role of vitamin C and zinc [Info source: National Institutes of Health (NIH) of USA]

The following is from the above web link for your convenience.

Immune-enhancing role of vitamin C and zinc and effect on clinical conditions.

Wintergerst ES1, Maggini S, Hornig DH.

Author information


Vitamin C concentrations in the plasma and leukocytes rapidly decline during infections and stress.

Supplementation of vitamin C was found to improve components of the human immune system such as antimicrobial and natural killer cell activities, lymphocyte proliferation, chemotaxis, and delayed-type hypersensitivity.

Vitamin C contributes to maintaining the redox integrity of cells and thereby protects them against reactive oxygen species generated during the respiratory burst and in the inflammatory response.

Likewise, zinc undernutrition or deficiency was shown to impair cellular mediators of innate immunity such as phagocytosis, natural killer cell activity, and the generation of oxidative burst.

Therefore, both nutrients play important roles in immune function and the modulation of host resistance to infectious agents, reducing the risk, severity, and duration of infectious diseases. This is of special importance in populations in which insufficient intake of these nutrients is prevalent. In the developing world, this is the case in low- and middle-income countries, but also in subpopulations in industrialized countries, e.g. in the elderly.

A large number of randomized controlled intervention trials with intakes of up to 1 g of vitamin C and up to 30 mg of zinc are available.

These trials document that adequate intakes of vitamin C and zinc ameliorate symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections including the common cold.

Furthermore, vitamin C and zinc reduce the incidence and improve the outcome of pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhea infections, especially in children in developing countries.

Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.

PMID: 16373990 DOI: 10.1159/000090495

[Indexed for MEDLINE]

Monday, June 12, 2017

Choline-Brain Connection

Choline is an essential nutrient your body makes in small amounts. However, you must consume it through your diet to get enough. In adults, choline helps keep your cell membranes functioning properly, plays a role in nerve communications, prevents the buildup of homocysteine in your blood (elevated levels are linked to heart disease) and reduces chronic inflammation. In pregnant women, choline plays an equally, if not more, important role, helping to prevent certain birth defects, such as spina bifida, and playing a role in brain development.

Info source




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Sunday, June 11, 2017





1600 hr 2017-06-11


钟南山 1936年生,中国工程院院士、呼吸疾病国家重点实验室主任

王琦 1943年生,国医大师、北京中医药大学教授、博士生导师























Saturday, June 10, 2017

Biological Dentists and dental health and Health Supplements

I learned a new term "biological dentist" today.

The following is from internet.

Biological dentists, also known as holistic, or environmental dentists, operate according to the belief system that your teeth are an integral part of your body and hence your overall health, and recognize that your oral and dental health can have a major influence on other disease processes in your body.

My view is: Health of other parts of your body will affect your dental health too.

Take multivitamins, Vitamin C, B complex 100, omega 3 fish oil and calcium with vitamin D daily to keep yourself healthy.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Life Extension, Mega Green Tea Extract, Decaffeinated, 100 Veggie Caps

Note: MALI stopped taking this mega tea extract on 2017-06-07. Reason: personal.

From 2017-06-05 after 8.00 pm Ms. Mali Latte started to take a capsule of "Life Extension, Mega Green Tea Extract, Decaffeinated, 100 Veggie Caps" which I bought for the first time in May 2017 at S$31.41

Second picture shows the actual bottle l received.

Supper dietary supplement and 5 health threats

So they (NOTE: Researchers at the Department of Biology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) decided that their ‘Super Supplement’ would include ingredients that had been scientifically documented as effective in counteracting the five underlying processes of ageing and the deterioration in health and mental facility usually associated with growing older.

The 5 health threats

Threat 1: Oxidative stress

This is the damage to cells and DNA that is done by oxidation by excess free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive atoms produced in the body in the presence of oxygen or as a result of external pollutants. Oxidative damage is a trigger for cancer.

Solution: Anti-oxidants like Omega 3, curcumin, the polyphenols in green tea and grapeseed, lutein, vitamin C and E, the co-factors zinc and magnesium are among nutrients that can reduce this threat.

Threat 2: Inflammation

The latest research shows that inflammation builds up in body tissues and brain cells over time and is a key cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Inflammation also creates a negative internal environment which encourages the spread of cancer.

Solution: Anti-inflammatories like Omega 3 fish oil, curcumin, and green tea polyphenols are amongst effective nutrients. (Anti-oxidant nutrients often have parallel anti-inflammatory effects.)

Threat 3: Cell membrane malfunction

The body creates millions of new cells every day and unless there is a supply of high quality nutrients in your diet – including anti-oxidant fatty acids – cells can fail to function properly.

Solution: A range of vitamins, minerals like zinc and selenium, and the nutrients lycopene, beta carotene and Omega 3 fish oil have been shown to reduce this threat.

Threat 4: Insulin Resistance

This is where the body’s tissues develop a lower level of response to insulin. The result is that glucose (sugar) in the blood builds up to a dangerous level. This leads to what is termed ‘glycation’ – effectively cells become ‘sugar coated’ and fail to function properly. Diabetes can develop and that in turn increases the risk of vision loss, circulatory problems and dementia.

Solution: Reducing carbohydrate intake, losing weight if needed and increased intake of Omega 3 fish oil, CoQ10, chromium, magnesium and the amino-acid alpha-lipoic acid have all been shown to help reduce this threat.

Threat 5: Deterioration in mitochondrial function

Almost every one of your trillions of cells contains mitochondria – often called tiny ‘energy power-plants’. Their role is to extract energy from food. But their function deteriorates over time without extra nutritional help – which is why older people often complain of getting tired.

Solution: Research shows you can help prevent mitochondrial damage with anti-oxidants and supplementing with CoQ10 because your body’s inbuilt ability to produce CoQ10 diminishes over time.

In summary, age-related decline and illness is ‘multifactorial’, so prevention by lifestyle and nutritional supplementation must equally be multi-factorial or multi-ingredient.

Specifically the McMaster’s team reasoned that if you could prevent or reduce the risk of all 5 threats, the result should be a healthy brain, a healthy body and a longer life.

But to achieve that, it was necessary to include not just vitamins and minerals but a combination of nutrients that essentially reproduced the key elements of an ideal diet. They described this combination as an MDS – a Multi-Ingredient Dietary Supplement. The press have called it a ‘Super Supplement’.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Table 1 (from previous study detailing ingredients in mice dietary supplement). Formulation of a Dietary Supplement Designed to Reduce Oxidative Stress and Inflammation, Maintain Membrane and Mitochondrial Integrity, and Enhance Insulin Sensitivity.

Table 1 (from previous study detailing ingredients in mice dietary supplement). Formulation of a Dietary Supplement Designed to Reduce Oxidative Stress and Inflammation, Maintain Membrane and Mitochondrial Integrity, and Enhance Insulin Sensitivity.

Supplement / Dosage

Vitamin B1(b) 0.72 mg/day

Vitamin B3(b) 0.72 mg/day

Vitamin B6(b) 0.72 mg/day

Vitamin B12(b) 0.72 mcg/day

Vitamin C(b) 3.6 mg/day

Vitamin D(b) 2.5 IU/day

Vitamin E(b) 1.44 IU/day

Acetyl L-carnitine(c) 14.4 mg/day

Alpha-lipoic acid(e) 0.72 mg/day

ASA(d) 2.5 mg/day

Beta carotene(b) 50.0 IU/day

Bioflavinoids(h) 4.32 mg/day

Chromium picolinate(i) 1.44 mcg/day

Cod liver oil(b) 5.04 IU/day

CoEnzyme Q10(h) 0.44 mg/day

DHEA(g) 0.15 mg/day

Flax seed oil(h) 21.6 mg/day

Folic acid(b) 0.01 mg/day

Garlic(b) 21.6 mcg/day

Ginger(h) 7.2 mg/day

Gingko biloba(h) 1.44 mg/day

Ginseng (Canadian)(h) 8.64 mg/day

Green tea extracts(f) 7.2 mg/day

L-Glutathione(a) 0.36 mg/day

Magnesium(b) 0.72 mg/day

Melatonin(g) 0.01 mg/day

N-Acetyl cysteine(e) 7.2 mg/day

Potassium(b) 0.36 mg/day

Rutin(h) 0.72 mg/day

Selenium(h) 1.08 mcg/day

Zinc (chelated)(b) 0.14 mg/day

Notes: Vitamin brands are as follows: (a) = Cell Life; (b) = Jamieson vitamins; (c) = Jarrow Formulas; (d) = Lifebrand; (e) = Natural Factors; (f) = Naka; (g) = Promatrix; (h) = Swiss vitamins; (i) = Vitamin Power Inc.

The abstract of " A multi-ingredient dietary supplement abolishes large-scale brain cell loss, improves sensory function, and prevents neuronal atrophy in aging mice."~

A multi-ingredient dietary supplement abolishes large-scale brain cell loss, improves sensory function, and prevents neuronal atrophy in aging mice.

Lemon JA1, Aksenov V2, Samigullina R2, Aksenov S3, Rodgers WH3, Rollo CD2, Boreham DR1,4.

Author information


Transgenic growth hormone mice (TGM) are a recognized model of accelerated aging with characteristics including chronic oxidative stress, reduced longevity, mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance, muscle wasting, and elevated inflammatory processes. Growth hormone/IGF-1 activate the Target of Rapamycin known to promote aging. TGM particularly express severe cognitive decline. We previously reported that a multi-ingredient dietary supplement (MDS) designed to offset five mechanisms associated with aging extended longevity, ameliorated cognitive deterioration and significantly reduced age-related physical deterioration in both normal mice and TGM. Here we report that TGM lose more than 50% of cells in midbrain regions, including the cerebellum and olfactory bulb. This is comparable to severe Alzheimer's disease and likely explains their striking age-related cognitive impairment. We also demonstrate that the MDS completely abrogates this severe brain cell loss, reverses cognitive decline and augments sensory and motor function in aged mice. Additionally, histological examination of retinal structure revealed markers consistent with higher numbers of photoreceptor cells in aging and supplemented mice. We know of no other treatment with such efficacy, highlighting the potential for prevention or amelioration of human neuropathologies that are similarly associated with oxidative stress, inflammation and cellular dysfunction. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 57:382-404, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

© 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


aging; multi-ingredient dietary supplement; neurodegeneration; neuroprotectant; oxidative stress

PMID: 27199101 DOI: 10.1002/em.22019


Table 1 (from previous study detailing ingredients in mice dietary supplement). Formulation of a Dietary Supplement Designed to Reduce Oxidative Stress and Inflammation, Maintain Membrane and Mitochondrial Integrity, and Enhance Insulin Sensitivity.

Supplement / Dosage

Vitamin B1(b) 0.72 mg/day

Vitamin B3(b) 0.72 mg/day

Vitamin B6(b) 0.72 mg/day

Vitamin B12(b) 0.72 mcg/day

Vitamin C(b) 3.6 mg/day

Vitamin D(b) 2.5 IU/day

Vitamin E(b) 1.44 IU/day

Acetyl L-carnitine(c) 14.4 mg/day

Alpha-lipoic acid(e) 0.72 mg/day

ASA(d) 2.5 mg/day

Beta carotene(b) 50.0 IU/day

Bioflavinoids(h) 4.32 mg/day

Chromium picolinate(i) 1.44 mcg/day

Cod liver oil(b) 5.04 IU/day

CoEnzyme Q10(h) 0.44 mg/day

DHEA(g) 0.15 mg/day

Flax seed oil(h) 21.6 mg/day

Folic acid(b) 0.01 mg/day

Garlic(b) 21.6 mcg/day

Ginger(h) 7.2 mg/day

Gingko biloba(h) 1.44 mg/day

Ginseng (Canadian)(h) 8.64 mg/day

Green tea extracts(f) 7.2 mg/day

L-Glutathione(a) 0.36 mg/day

Magnesium(b) 0.72 mg/day

Melatonin(g) 0.01 mg/day

N-Acetyl cysteine(e) 7.2 mg/day

Potassium(b) 0.36 mg/day

Rutin(h) 0.72 mg/day

Selenium(h) 1.08 mcg/day

Zinc (chelated)(b) 0.14 mg/day

Notes: Vitamin brands are as follows: (a) = Cell Life; (b) = Jamieson vitamins; (c) = Jarrow Formulas; (d) = Lifebrand; (e) = Natural Factors; (f) = Naka; (g) = Promatrix; (h) = Swiss vitamins; (i) = Vitamin Power Inc.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

F1 to F12: Time-Saving Function Key Shortcuts Everyone Should Know

F1 to F12: Time-Saving Function Key Shortcuts Everyone Should Know