Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Balanced diet, with occasional indulgence

The following is a report in the "Mind Your Body" of the Starits Times on 18th July 2007, Wednesday on "what docs eat " for Dr Christopher Chong, Obstetrician, gynaecologist and urogynaecologist at Gleneagles Medical Centre .

What do you think of his eating habits and what he eats?


'Generally, I have a healthy and balanced diet with enough vegetables, fruits and juices.

'But I do succumb to temptation - occasionally - which is what makes life and eating exciting!

'I always start my day with a glass of good old plain water. On working days, breakfast is usually light - a sandwich or bun, or a sausage or piece of cake. Time is tight during those days as I have to take my kids to school.

'Lunch is usually short and light as I work through it, performing surgery. Dinner is the biggest meal of the day for me and it is usually a home-cooked meal - Chinese dishes with steamed rice, soup and chilli, which my mum painstakingly prepares.

'Occasionally, we do Western or Italian (by popular demand from the kids).

'All our meals are taken with one or two glasses of red wine. My family juices up, especially over the weekend.

'One piece of advice I offer to my patients is to have regular meals...but I do admit that sometimes, it is difficult to practise what I preach.

'I have cut down on my carbohydrates to a third of my usual intake, and this has helped me lose a little weight.

'I love coffee and used to start my day with one or two cuppas. Unfortunately, I became highly dependent on it and found I was drinking it because I needed to, rather than relishing it.

'This year, I went 'cold turkey' and after five days of suffering from withdrawal symptoms, I no longer need it. I now drink coffee occasionally and enjoy every drop of it.

'I love food, and like my pregnant patients, I have cravings at times.

I go for my kambing (mutton) soup, fried oysters, cockles, fried hor fun with lard once in a long time. It is pure indulgence, but delicious!

'I also have a weakness for escargot (cooked land snails in French cuisine) and goose liver pate.

'Then, there is ama ebi (Japanese raw sweet prawn), which I love...but the children often get to it before I do. I also love wasabi (Japanese horseradish).

'Though I enjoy fine dining, it is always the food from the local hawker centres that I miss whenever I am overseas.'


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