Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Daily Mental Vitamins (Version 01 )

Just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once.

Just for today I will have sufficient sleep and sleep well.

Just for today I will eat well and eat right.

Just for today I will have a program and achieve my goals for the day.

Just for today I will not be irritated by anything, especially those beyond my control.

Just for today I will be happy and enjoy every moment of my life.

Just for today I will be caring, helpful, courteous and be tactful in dealing with people.

Just for today I will strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.

Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself, and relax. During this half hour, sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.

(Version 01 Ref: G07G22)

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