Sunday, August 5, 2007

2008-08-05 Eating and Medical Diary

Today is 5 August 2007, Sunday.

At 0600 hour, my weight = 61.0 kg (Camry) and BMI = 22.136

Based on my weight of 61.0 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1680 calories (Sedentary).

For today, the target calorie intake is 1200 kcal.

As at 2358 hr today, food already taken:

(a) 5 cup(s) of plain water
(b) 1 cup of Gold Kili Traditional black coffee (No fat) = 63 kcal
(c) 150 g. papaya (55 kcal/140g) = about 59 kcal
(d) 16baba multi-grains + soya bean +dry sweet potato soup (Ref: G070728-kk)= about 300 kcal.
(e) 1 x 100 g. banana (89 kcal/100g.) = about 89 kcal
(f) 1 x 100 g. banana (89 kcal/100g.) = about 89 kcal
(g) 2 cup of milo (Sunday meeting) = about 160 kcal
(h) 5 x Vietnamese spring rolls (Sunday Meeting) = about t 250 kcal
(i) 1 x Japanese rice with chicken cutlet, egg and onion (Sunday Meeting) = about 400 kcal
(j) 3 x one-bite black sesame almond cakes (HK/Latte) = about 60 kcal
(k) 1 x 140 g. pineapple (74 kcal/155g) = about 67 kcal

Actual total today’s calories intake so far = 1537 kcal

Today's Calorie Deficit as at this time = 1680– 1537 = 143 kcal

Bowel movements:

First try = about 45 minutes (at about 5.00 pm) = NIL
Second try (9.00 pm) = about 30 minutes = a number of small and hard pieces and difficult to pass.

Therefore, I had constipation 5 August 2007 and 4 August 2007.

Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements happen less frequently than is normal for the particular individual, or the stool is small, hard, and difficult or painful to pass.

The probable cause of the constipation is the 3 x OMEPRAZOLE 20 mg capsules and 6 x DICLOFENAC SOD EC 25 mg tablets taken on 2 August 2007 and 3 August 2007.

Medical Issues

(a) At 0900 hr, I took two tablets of Panadol for cold relief (Non Drowsy formula).

(b) At 1625 hr, I took two tablets of Panadol for cold relief (Non Drowsy formula) because I still felt heaty.


Exercise = None

Health Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x multivitamin tablet
(b) 2 x 1000 mg Kordel acid free vitamin C tablet
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 1 x Bioscience tablet (Ca 300 g., mg 133g., zinc 5 g.)
(f) 1 x Vitahealth flaxseed oil 1000 mg tablet
(g) 1 x TwinLab iron caps (18 mg) on even dates only with effect from 14 July 2007 to avoid overdose of iron supplement.

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