Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Strike a balance, reap the benefits

The following is a report in the "Mind Your Body" of the Straits Times dated 8th August 2007, Wednesday on "do docs eat well? " for DR LIM ING RUEN, Consultant, Ear, Nose & Throat, Alexandra Hospital.

'I believe in a balanced diet with a complement of meat, fresh vegetables, fruit and staples for every single meal.

If I eat at home, I prefer steamed, braised, broiled or lightly fried foods, rather than deep-fried foods.

My family used to have our vegetables steamed without added salt or oil when my mother - a health fanatic - did the cooking.

I feel that multivitamins, calcium and lots of water are musts.

Water is essential for maintaining a clear complexion amidst the stresses and demands of modern life.

My colleagues have complimented me on my complexion.

Having said that, I love chocolate and coffee - they are the most divine creations on earth.
My husband wooed me with these! I have a special interest in the treatment of allergy and allergic rhinitis.

Certain foods are known to be allergens. Although I do not need to avoid the allergenic foods myself, I still take special care in avoiding them when weaning my nine-month-old son on solids. I avoid giving him soy products, egg white and shelled seafood, as these can induce an allergic response when given too early in infancy.'

- Reported by Judith Tan

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