Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Eat fats to keep from getting fat

If you are famished, eat a little fat before you sit down for a meal. Did we say fat?
Yes, but we are talking about the good kind. Eating some healthy fat 20 minutes before a meal can keep you from stuffing yourself.

It fools your brain into thinking you are not as hungry as you thought. And your waist will reap the rewards.

How does healthy fat do it?

About 70 calories of healthy fat just before you eat ? six walnuts, 12 almonds, or 20 peanuts can trick you into thinking you are full.

Eating good fats stimulates the production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that tells your brain you have had enough to eat and then keeps you feeling full by slowing the emptying of your stomach (bread dipped in this oil will also do it).

So when you sit down for a meal, you will eat for pleasure, not for hunger, and will be likely to eat less.

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