Sunday, September 30, 2007

Healthy Lunch for the family on 2007-09-30 (Sun.)

I cooked the following for today lunch with less oil and less salt while Latte was in her regular Sunday spiritual exercise with BB and those who believe in the Creator.

(1) Fried spinach + garlic + a little soy sauce + 2 tablespoons of canola oil (14g x2 = 124kcal x2)

(2) White rice porridge with fried 300 g. sliced fish + 2 x long fish cake + ½ small cabbage + garlic + 3 eggs + No salt + 2 tablespoons of canola oil (14g x2 = 124kcal x 2)

At present the above foods are the best nutritious and healthy foods I can prepare for the family.

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