Thursday, November 29, 2007

2007-11-29 My Living Diary

Today is 29 November 2007, Thursday.

At 0650 hour,my weight = 55.8 kg (Camry) BMI = 20.249.
(Note: Watson Scale = 55.5 kg)

55.8 kg is the lowest weight achieved since I started the calorie restriction diet on 2007-5-28 when my weight was 65.0 kg.

This BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.8 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1591.25 Kcalories (Sedentary). (1909.5 kcal for moderate activity level.)

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2007-11-29: (A) 0100hr to 0630 hr = 5 hours 30 minutes. (Bad Sleep. Woke up before this time for feeling cold)

2007-11-29: (B) 14400hr to 1510 0 hr = 0 hours 30 minutes.

Physical Exercise for 071129:

47 minutes (0930 hr to 0940 hr, Stretching = 10 mins, 0947 hr to 0952 hr slow walk = 5 mins, brisk walk = 23 mins, cool down = 9 mins. Total distance covered = about 2.6 km)

Metal exercise on 071129:

(A) 1400 hr to 1440 hr = 0 hour 30 minutes (Ref: AM22A)
(B) 1600 hr to 1700 hr = 1 hour 0 minutes (Ref: AM22A)
(B) 2000 hr to 2100 hr = 1 hour 0 minutes (Ref: AM22A)
(Note: First Metal exercise record was for 071128.)

Bowel Movement:

1 x Big (1330 hr. Initial effort needed. Continuous Banana-shaped stools. Soft. Sunk. Brown.)

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