Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2007-12-26 My Living Diary

Today is 26 December 2007, Wednesday

At 0800 hour, my weight = 56.4 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.467.
Based on my weight of 56.4kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1601.25 Kcalories (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2007-12-26: (A) 0000 hr to 0700 hr

Relationships Management (new topic from 071213):

2007-12-26: (a) 1400 hr to1600 hr = 2 hours ( Relationships Management work at MXM.)

I have just got Food Allergy? Abdomen eczema?

I have some itching red rashes and two small pimple on the right of my navel. Could they be due to the egg in the pork-cum-egg-cum-youtiao porridge taken on last Saturday or the sushi, western sausage or mee goring or the strawberry-coloured-topped cheese cake taken on 24-12-2007?

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