Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Osteoporosis-prone women and how to prevent osteoporosis (Ref: H08A23)

Who has higher risk of osteoporosis?

ORTHOPAEDIC surgeon Dr Lim Yeow Wai from Changi General Hospital said post-menopausal women with one or more of the following have a higher risk of getting fractures if:

-- They or a close relative have a history of 'fragility' fractures.
-- Their body mass index is less than 18.
-- Their age minus their weight (in kg) is more than 20.
-- They had menopause before the age of 45, or went more than a year without the menstrual cycle.
-- They take more than 16mg of alcohol (or two small glasses of wine) a day.
-- They smoke or are on certain medication like corticosteroids for arthritis.
-- They have engaged in little physical activity all their lives.

They should do a bone mineral density test and be given medication to prevent further bone loss if they have osteoporosis, said Dr Lim.

Aside from that, Dr Lim said people at high risk of fractures should also take precautions like making sure their home is well lit and the floors are non-slip.

To prevent osteoporosis:

(1) Take 500mg of calcium twice a day, on top of calcium rich foods like kailan, spinach, broccoli, soya and dairy products.
(2) Do weight-bearing exercises as these build bone mass and strengthen muscles.

By SALMA KHALIK, The Straits Times, Singapore dated 21st January 2008.

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