Thursday, February 7, 2008

2008-02-07 My Living Diary

Today is 7 February 2008, Thursday.

At 0940 hour, my weight = 54.5 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.777.
(Note: Watson = 54.2 kg)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1568.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-07: (A) 0300 hr to 0930 hr = 6 hours 30 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-07, Thu

100g Tomato Raw
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
70g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
100g Grapes (Grapes, american type (slip skin), raw)
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
New Year cakes, cookies
New Yaer Lunch including rice, fat pork, fish, Little eveg, chicken, coffee etc
New Year Dinner including Beehoon, mushroom, cakes,

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1568.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =2011.30
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =-442.55
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =0.50
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =5.85
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =42.54
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =33.51

Dietary Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC) (Not taken on 080207)
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 1 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)

Physical Exercise on 080207 = 40 minutes. From 1155 hr. Stretching = 5 minutes. Slow walk = 5 minutes, Slow Brisk Walk –stop-and-walk = 25 minutes. Cool down = 5 minutes.) About 2.6 km.

Mental Exercise = NIL

Bowel Movement on 080207:1 x Medium (0145 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Bowel Movement on 080207:1 x Medium to big (1330 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

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