Sunday, August 10, 2008

2008-08-10 My Living Diary (Weight Increase due to poor diet management))

Today is 2008-08-0, Sunday.

At 0740 hour, my weight = 55.1 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.995.

The increase of weight from 54.4 kg to 55.1 kg is mainly due the Hor Fun and 2 pieces of fish cakes on the night of 2008-08-09.

The last time I had this weight was on the 7th May 2008, Wednesday.

Since the class reunion buffet dinner on 2008-07-18, my weight has been increasing steadily because of the slacking in my diet control.

[Note: I had another buffet dinner on 2008-08-02 to celebrate Latte's birthday and my weight in the morning of 2008-07-18 was 53.3 kg]

Therefore, I must start to be careful with my diet again from now.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.1 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1578.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-0810: (A) 0130 hr to 07300 hr = 6 hours 0 minutes.

Bowel Movement on 080810: 1 x big (Banana-shaped stools Brown. Sunk.)

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