Thursday, August 28, 2008

My CRON experiment by Sara

Web Addrress:

Name of the blog: My CRON experiment

About the blogger:

Self-introduction by the blogger:

I'm Sara; I'm 35 years old and have been following a vegetarian CRON diet since the beginning of 2007. I'm 5'7" tall, and at the moment my weight fluctuates between 111-114lbs. On a good CRON day, my food intake is around 1200 calories with complete nutrition according to CoM. But I am in no way a role model for CR. I drink more glasses of wine than the average more disciplined CRONie(and more than are good for me) and I eat at least one or two restaurant meals a week where measuring calorie intake and nutrition is all but impossible. So at best I practice moderate CR, albeit with all the best intentions in the world. I live in the UK, dividing my time between my rural home and my partner's home in London.

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