Thursday, September 18, 2008

2008-09-18 My Living Diary (Today 100% vegetarian)

Today is 2008-09-18, Thu (Today 100% vegetarian)

At 0530 hour, my weight = 54.4 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.741

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.4 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1567.5 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

Total sleep = 6 hours 0 minutes

Bowel Movement on 080918: 1 Big and 1 x small (Soft Brown Banana-shaped stools. Sunk.)

Note on allergy: From today stopped taking Body Guard (each contains 550 mg Deep Sea Shark Liver oil) temporarily to see whether it has anything to do with the lip ulcer.

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