Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Dental Treatment on 2008-09-15

In the morning of 2008-09-15, Monday, I went to BDK Dental Clinic for simple scaling and polishing. The young female doctor did not do checking on my teeth.

I showed her the sketches by the specialist at NDC in May 2008 regarding the proposed operation on (a) a ceramic-browned tooth with chronic infection, (b) the possible internal decay within a gold crowned tooth done many years ago.

I told her I do not plan to have the two teeth operated because I do not have problem with the tooth with chronic infection, and I do not wish to let the specialist remove the gold crown of the second tooth, which never gives me any problem. She said, if nothing done, the gold crowned tooth will get worse. Well, I still two more months to make a decision.

I know that my teeth and gum conditions are much better than before my CRON and near vegetarian lifestyle. ---- My Health Achievement!

But I should get another dentist to assess and ascertain my dental conditions soon.

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