Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Real biological age is almost half of my chronological age ??

In the evening (at about 7.30 pm) of 2008-09-06 (Saturday) I visited World Food Fair 2008 at Suntec with Latte.

I had a health test at Lifestream booth.

I was asked to stand on something that looked like an electronic weighing scale I have at home.

The following was My Health Report Card:

(a) Age: (Confidential for this blog for privacy. But my age is almost 60.)

(b) Weight: 57.5 kg.

Note: Bare feet with clothes, wallet, and other personal belongings. So the actual weight should be about 56.0 kg.

(c) Body fat percentage = 16.5 % (Normal)

(d ) Organ fat index = 9.0 (Normal)

(e) Basal metabolic rate (BMR) = 1288 kcal/day

Note: According the report card, my BMR ( for age 50 – 69) should be 1350 kcal/ day.

(f) Real biological age = 33 years old.

What a surprise! I cannot believe that my real biological age is almost half my chronological age (i.e. real age).

If this is true, I must congratulate myself for this health achievement by sticking to my near-vegetarian High Fiber + Low Sugar + Low +Low Salt +Low protein + Low fat diet and Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition (CRON) practice in the last few years although I hardly exercise.

A word of caution, my weight has been increasing from my lowest weight of 53.3 kg in the morning of 18 July 2008. Something must be done.

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