Wednesday, October 1, 2008

5 Reasons Why You Must Include Smoothies In Your Diet

by vegan-mama-kirsten

1. They're positively delicious, and oh so fun to eat or drink!

2. Smoothies are a quick and easy way to include the all-important (and usually lacking in our diets) fruits and veggies!

3. Smoothies contain some amazing disease-preventing nutrients that will help you live a long and vibrant life!

4. Smoothies are a fantastically delicious way to get those loved ones in your life to eat more fruits and veggies!

5. Smoothies are easy to digest because:

(a) The blender has already "chewed" up the food, so your body doesn't have to work as hard to get to the good stuff inside the fruits and veggies.

(b) Smoothies are enzyme-rich; enzymes are essential to digest food. (Cooked food doesn't contain any enzymes, making the food much more difficult for us to digest!)

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