Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Smoothie: Beetroot+ Orange + Ice cubes Recipe (My First Trial)

At about 1630 pm on 2008-10-14 (Tue), I made the following smoothie (First Trial for this recipe) with the following:

(a) 1 orange without skin and seeds = 120g
(b) Cut Peeled beetroot = 120g
(c) Cut Peeled carrot = 60g
(d) Ice cubes = 100g

Method: Use Smoothie Function of Philips Blender HR 2094 3 times for about 20 seconds each time with a 5-second break in between.

Basic information of the product

Quantity =About 400 ml

No. of Serves = 2 ( 200 ml each )

Taster: Myself

Verdict: Better than the apple + beetroot smoothie made on 12 October 2008 probably the taste of the orange has overwhelmed the taste of the beetroot.


  1. Dear HL123 , tell me please, where I can find the sleep monitor, or the calculator of my sleeping...
    thank you!

  2. Hi smilimano,

    By “sleep monitor”, I mean the record of my sleep. You only need a sheet of paper or a computer or your blog or something else keep a record of your daily sleep.

    Many thanks and best regards,

