Thursday, November 6, 2008

Green Smoothie: Orange + Xiao Bai Cai (Pak Choi?) (My First Trial)

Xiao Bai Cai

This is my second green smoothie.

At about 1530 pm on 2008-11-06, Thu, I made the following smoothie (First Trial for this recipe) with the following:

(a) 120g range without skin but with seeds
(b) 100g xia bai cai (Pak Choi?)
(c) ice cubes 100g

Method: Use Smoothie Function of Philips Blender HR 2094 3 times for about 20 seconds each time with a 5-second break in between
Basic information of the product

Quantity =About 300 ml

No. of Serves = 1 (300 ml)

Taster: Myself

Verdict: Good. The taste is OK because of the orange


  1. I tried a few greens like kai lan, choy sum, sweet potato leaf, xiao bok choy, lettuce, chinese spinach and cabbage... and found english spinach with ripe bananas make the tastiest smoothie for my taste.

  2. Hi,

    Many thanks for your message. I would try to make smoothie with spinach and banana.

    Best regards,

    HL 123

  3. At about 1930 pm on 2008-11-24 Tue, I made the following smoothie (First Trial for this recipe) with the following:

    (a) 100g raw spinach
    (b) 100g banana without skin
    (c) ice cubes 100g

    Method: Use Smoothie Function of Philips Blender HR 2094 3 times for about 30 seconds each time with a 5-second break in between.

    Basic information of the product

    Quantity =About 330 ml
    No. Of Serves = 1 (330 ml)

    Taster: Myself

    Verdict: Ok. Smooth because of the banana. The taste is as good as pure fruits smoothie. If the smoothie is good for my health, it is acceptable. My main concern is that the spinach I used was not organic. Any residual pesticide left on the spinach???
