Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Recipe of Smoothie: Carrot + Banana + Ice cubes [First Trial]

At about 1630 pm on 2008-11-18, Tue, I made the following smoothie (First Trial for this recipe) with the following:

(a) 120g carrot without skin
(b) 120g banana without skin
(c) ice cubes 100g

Method: Use Smoothie Function of Philips Blender HR 2094 3 times for about 30 seconds each time with a 5-second break in between

Basic information of the product

Quantity =About 360 ml
No. of Serves = 1 (260 ml)

Taster: Myself and GG

Verdict: Smooth because of the banana. OK to me but GG did not like it.

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