Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things to avoid when dealing with difficult people:

BB has been a difficult person to deal with. He gave problems again this morning. I got the following from the internet to help myself.

Avoid these “don'ts” when dealing with difficult people:

(1) Don't take difficult people's behavior personally. Their troublesome behavior is habitual and affects most people with whom they come in contact.

(2) Don't fight back or try to beat them at their own games. They have been practicing their skills for a lifetime, and you're an amateur.

(3) Don't try to appease them. Difficult people have an insatiable appetite for more.

(4) Don't try to change them. You can only change your responses to their behavior.

Information source :

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting information from my article on Dealing With Difficult People.

    I have recently recorded a TeleSeminar explaining a 4 step strategy for dealing with difficult people, and I would like to invite you and your blog visitors to listen to the replay of it at:
