Friday, February 6, 2009

What is Lymph? Regular exercise will help maintain the flow of lymph.

Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates throughout the body, cleaning away all the dead cells, bacteria and toxins.

The Lymphatic System is like a team of garbage collectors, filtering out, gathering up and taking all the unnecessary waste we accumulate in our bodies in everyday life. It is the key to a healthy immume system.

The lymph moves around the body in an extensive network of capillaries and this pathway must be kept clean and free flowing to work efficiently. As a sluggish river accumulates pools of stagnant water that act as a breeding ground for bacteria and disease, likewise, if the Lymphatic System becomes sluggish, Lymph can remain stagnant in problem areas, causing inflamation and pain.

The Lymphatic System mirrors the blood circulatory system but is twice the size and has more than 600 nodes situated throughout the body. However, unlike the blood system, the Lymphatic System has no pump and therefore needs help to keep the Lymph fluid moving.

Regular exercise will help maintain the flow, but congestion can occur in areas as a result of toxic overload, lack of exercise, improper diet, infection or injury. When this happens, the build up will cause inflammation and pain.

Skipping, trampoline and body brushing are all good ways of stimulating flow of Lymph but sometimes it is necessary to use additional cleansing techniques


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