Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is Nutrition literacy?

Nutrition literacy may be defined as "the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic nutrition information needed to make appropriate dietary decisions."

In simple terms, a person’s nutrition literacy is his or her ability to obtain, process, and understand nutrition information of different foods in order to make appropriate decisions as to the types and quantities of foods to eat.

You are what you eat. Everything you eat will affect your body and your mind. Every mouthful of food you take has a beneficial or detrimental effect on your health, both for the short and/or long terms.

It's therefore important that you maintain a high nutrition literacy and give a thought to what you put into our mouth.


  1. Hi,
    Have you been a Cron'er very long?
    I have been trying to live Cr for 18 months and loving it.

  2. Hi Marjie,

    Many thanks for your message. I have been practicing CRON for 5 years.

    Best regards,

