Monday, March 2, 2009

Eating a lot of meat and lack dietary fiber may cause cancer

“If you eat a lot of meat and lack dietary fiber, the amount of stool decreases, causing constipation and stagnant stools. Furthermore, if the condition is left alone, diverticuli (pocket-like cavities) develop on the intestinal walls where toxins and stagnant stools have accumulated, causing polyps and cancer to develop”, said Dr Hiromi Shinya in page 65 of his book “The Enzyme Factor” (ISBN-10: 1571782095 and ISBN-13: 978-1571782090)

Short Biography of Dr Hiromi Shinya

Dr. Hiromi Shinya leads the gastroenterologist world with new medical findings and techniques. He is a professor of surgery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Head of the Endoscopic Center of Beth Israel Hospital in New York as well as an adviser for Maeda Hospital and Hanzomon Gastrointestinal Clinic in Japan. He is also Vice Chairman of the Japanese Medical Association in the USA.

Dr. Hiromi Shinya designed and developed a life-saving medical tool for the endoscopic treatment of polyps. Without requiring use of surgery, his revolutionary “Shinya Method” has become widely used in colonoscopies, the standard screening for the leading, non-tobacco related cancer killer in the US, colon cancer.

Dr. Shinya is world renowned in performing intestinal-related procedures, and is known to have examined more than 300,000 stomachs and large intestines, and has performed nearly 100,000 polypectomies.

Dr. Hiromi Shinya’s website:

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