Thursday, March 5, 2009

Symptoms of Colorectal cancer (Unhealthy Bloody Stools, Constipation, etc)

Colorectal cancer occurs in the large intestine and the rectum. Colorectal cancer is currently the third most common cancer worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.


1. Blood in the stools, as tumors tend to bleed.

2. Altered bowel habits, such as decreased frequency of bowel movements.

3. Narrow or ribbon-like stools, as this may indicate there are blockages in the large intestine or rectum.

4. Constipation, abdominal pains or cramps, and a feeling of bloatedness may signal there are blockages in the form of tumors.

5. Feeling of incomplete bowel emptying.

6. Persistent nausea and vomiting.

7. Unexplained weight loss.

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