Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dermovate Cream 25 grams by GlaxoSmithKline for eczema (skin problems)

The cream I use for eczema caused by food allergy is Dermovate Cream 25 grams by GlaxoSmithKline. This cream is very effective but it must be used with care.

The details of the cream is as follows. Please click at the pictures to view.


  1. I am glad that I found your site. Thank you for sharing this information to all of us who have suffered from Eczema. Our four year old had endured this condition for all of his life. It has brought us many tears, itching and bleeding, sleepless nights and a lot of anxiety. We have seen specialist and chidlren’s hospital to come home disappointed with a bag full of sample tubes of this, and sample tubes of that without knowing whether they would even work. The one allergist we had been seeing continued to increase doses of potent steroids…and when our son was at his worst he was admitted into the hospital. We were fortunate enough to meet a doc who told us to “get him off this stuff NOW” We were naive and trusting. All to have our little one addicted to steroids and going downhill everyday. Finally…we were blessed! My dad told us to try this kids chewable probiotic from Vidazorb and within a week he was already looking and feeling better. It has saved him…it has saved our family. He is now a normal 4 year old who looks great, feels great and can eat just about whatever he wants. He actually enjoyed his first sandwich a few months ago!!! He has been healed when nothing and no one else could help. Praise God! Anyway- I feel like it is so important to continue to educate myself for his occasional flareups by reading sites like yours. Great job on helping others like us who cannot seem to find any hope for this condition. Caroline

  2. Hi Caroline,

    Many thanks for your feedback.

    I am very glad that my blog has helped you in a small way..

    Best regards,

