Friday, April 17, 2009

Irritant Dermatitis (skin allergy/inflammation of the skin) caused by pesticide in Pak Choi or Xia bai cai (Eczema?)

This afternoon (17th April 2009) at about 4.00 pm, I made a smoothie with 100 grams of banana, 100 grams of ice cubes and 80 grams of a vegetable called Pak Choi (also called Pak Choy or Xiao bai cai).

I washed the Pak Choi and soaked it for 15 minutes before use.

However, after taking a few sips of the smoothie, a slightly itchy and red rash of dermatitis appeared at the part of my right hand just below the last two fingers. (Please the photo above.) The culprit was probably the pesticide contained in the vegetable.

I threw away the remaining smoothie.

My comments: I should try a Banana + Pak Choi smoothie with an organic Pak Choi next time to ascertain the skin problem was due to the pesticide contained in the vegetable.

1 comment:

  1. you mean you got an irritation from the pesticide. Dermatitis is a more serious condition (I thought)
