Monday, April 6, 2009

My Dietary Supplements taken daily (with effect from 2009-04-06) --- Iron-deficiency anemia?

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet

(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)

(c) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet

(d) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)

(e ) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC) from 080228(f) 1 tablet of of “NOW” brand Iron Complex with vitamins and herbs (27 mg of iron per tablet, 155% of daily value of RDA) (Re-take from 2009-04-06)

Note: Reason for taking this iron supplement: Based on the microscopic blood analysis on 4th April 2009 at the booth of Science Arts Co Pte Ltd at Lian He Wan Bao Beauty & Healthcare Fair 2009 at Suntec, I may be suffering from (mild) iron-deficiency anemia.

I hardly eat meat and the iron from my mainly vegetarian diet and the dietary supplements taken by me before today probably did not provide me with sufficient iron nutrient.

But I need to be cautious on the amount of iron supplement taken daily to avoid overdose causing other health problems!

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