Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Basics of Holistic Nutrition (by

Although holistic nutrition is largely individualized, there are some basics that apply to all individuals who wish to follow a holistic nutritional plan.

They include the following:

- All food should be organic as much as possible.

- Avoid junk food and processed food.

- No food with additives and preservatives.

- No sugar or caffeine.

- Drink adequate amounts of pure water. Filtered and free of chlorine and other contaminants.- Avoid microwaves.

- No genetically engineered food.

- Identify hidden food allergies and food sensitivities.

- Address nutritional deficiencies.

- Eat whole foods in their natural state as much as possible.

Info Source:

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone seen this? This is a really cool free video on how to use superfoods to lose weight and increase your energy. Just thought I would pass it along!
