Saturday, June 20, 2009

Calorie restriction diet: is it just another fad diet? By Debbie Gisonni

It seems that every year a new diet is introduced claiming to finally unlock the secret to weight loss. This year it’s the calorie restriction diet, which is supposed to decrease your weight while increasing your longevity. Even Oprah—the queen of diets—did a show on it. But is it just another fad diet?

The calorie restriction diet is based on eating fewer calories than your body needs to maintain your normal weight. That doesn’t sound like anything new to me—eat less than you need and you’ll naturally lose weight. In fact, that sounds a lot like Weight Watchers’ practice of eating smaller portions. Of course, the calories you do consume in the calorie restriction diet need to come from nutrient rich foods (vegetables and fruits) and lean proteins (chicken and fish). Hmmm, where have I heard that advice before? In just about every diet book and article ever written!

Most of the scientific testing on the calorie restriction diet comes from increasing the life span of rodents. BTW, rats normally only live 2-3 years so an extra month would be a considerable extension of their life. There has been no significant long-term research on actual humans.

I don’t know if the calorie restriction diet will help you live longer and how much longer, but it’s it is safe to assume that if you eat less, you’ll lose weight. Most people will have some success with any diet whether it’s calorie restriction, South Beach, The Zone, Perricone Prescription, Atkins, etc. So, what’s my point? My point is to stop making weight loss so complicated, like it’s a great big secret. Forget about jumping on the latest, most popular diet thinking it’s the road to the fountain of youth, beauty and a size 2. You know what to do to lose weight and stay healthy—eat smaller portions, healthier food and exercise daily. Got it?

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