Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Calorie Restriction Without Malnutrition: Undernutrition Without Starvation (by

Calorie restriction without malnutrition is a bold dietary concept in human longevity. The theory, originated from aging research studies, exploits undernutrition for the purpose of preserving the physical processes in a more youthful state.

There are tremendous returns in preserving the physical structure and functionality of the human body. Think of all the things you'll still be able to accomplish, mentally, physically and sexually, because you overcome aging.

The concept of calorie restriction to enhance health and extend life is not so new. Calorie restriction without malnutrition first came to light in the early twentieth century, but it was not until 1930 when researchers discovered calorie restricted animals lived much longer than those allowed to feed freely.

Calorie restriction without malnutrition will certainly postpone the inevitable: heart disease, diabetes, hypertension,immune dysfunction, and cancer. By restricting calories, the body has less stuff to process, and processing produces waste, sometimes toxic, which damage cells.

Other studies have shown that calorie restriction without malnutrition could produce the same longevity effects in adult animals, as it would in young animals. In addition, the longer the period spent on caloric restriction diets, the greater the span of life.

From what researchers know, from the way calorie restriction work in laboratory animals, they are convinced that it will produce the same effects in humans. Learn how calorie restriction without malnutrition can increase your lifespan.

Calorie Restriction Prevents Diseases

A drastic reduction in calorie intake can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. People, who practice calorie restriction without malnutrition, have more normal test results than those who don't. Laboratory rats on calorie restricted diets show reduced levels of atherosclerosis.
The restricted diets seem to reduce oxidation damage to the immune system, and provide resistance against infectious diseases. Thus, preventing strokes and heart diseases, caused by hypertension, diabetes, smoking, and of course, aging.
More on disease prevention and longevity.

Calorie Restriction Reduces Oxidation

Cells need oxygen to survive. But in the processing of oxygen, toxic waste (free radicals) is produced. Free radicals cause damage to mitochondria, DNA, and protein within the cells.
Studies of adult muscle tissue show tremendous deterioration due to free radical oxidative damage, generally associated with aging.
Follow this link to see how reducing calorie intake can reduce oxidation damage.

Calorie Restriction Improves Metabolism

Without CR new nutrients are being created, while older nutrients are not expended quickly enough. This creates a build-up of indisposed nutrients, which clogs the system, and starves vital organs that depend on the supply for survival. Hence the organs malfunction causing the body to age.

Normally, newly formed nutrients replace older ones continuously, to maintain a healthy demand and supply process. With CR, fewer nutrients are formed, allowing the dispensation of older ones, and averting clogs in the system. A more details look at calorie restriction and metabolism.

Calorie Restriction Preserves Brain Function

Research shows severe calorie restriction without malnutrition stops changes in the brain cause by aging. What it did not show was, that calorie restriction improves cognitive abilities cause by aging.

Other studies show calorie restriction produces certain substances in the brain that increases growth and survival of brain cells.

There is sufficient evidence available to prove calorie restriction helps animals live longer, and protects them from the effects of aging. But scientists still don't understand why. Obviously more research is required, but the prospect looks brighter. More on the effects of brain functions and life extension.

Calorie Restriction Mimetics

Although the future outcome of calorie restriction without malnutrition looks promising, few folks are willing to undergo the rigorous regimentation of starving themselves in exchange for a few years longer life. So scientists are determined to ease the pain that could accompany calorie restriction.

After 70 years of research, they now know exactly how calorie restriction works. Hence, they believe they can mimic the effects, using a more pleasant approach, to obtain a similar outcome.

Calorie restriction mimetics are drugs or composites that mimic the outcome of calorie restriction without malnutrition. The concept, if it works, holds the answer to longevity, and the end to major chronic diseases.

Researchers are now working tirelessly to produce a pill that will do the same job as calorie restriction. Mimetics is the answer to calorie restriction without malnutrition.

What Future Holds for Calorie Restriction,

Calorie restriction research shows tremendous promise. But it's not a way of life for everyone. Human life extension studies are, to a great extent, inconclusive. There is no definitive data to write a prescription. So consult your physician before attempting calorie restriction.

The idea of cutting calories to boost oxygen consumption, is in direct conflict with the concept that eating less can add on a few years to your live. However, researchers discovered that calorie restriction lowers metabolism, reduces oxidation damage to cells, preserves brain functions, prevents diseases, and decreases insulin levels, the principal components of aging.

Calorie restriction without malnutrition, as seen in laboratory testing, is the most consistent way to increase lifespan. In a study that compared people who practice calorie restriction as a lifestyle, with those who consumed a normal diet, the calorie-restricted group had a dramatic reduction in risk of heart disease and and diabetes.

In another study, mice that were fed 30 to 40 percent fewer calories, produced more nitric oxide than those that followed an unrestricted diet. Since nitric oxide is a key factor in erectile function, calorie restriction without malnutrition may be essential for improving male sexual health.

Related Links: Fighting aging: Longevity and MatabolismCalorie restriction promotes life extension by increasing respirationRestrict calories and increase your lifespanScientist identify compounds that mimic calorie restrictionRecommendations For Healthy EatingFollow these recommendations for healthy eating, to ensure optimum nutritional intake, in order to regenerate male sexual health, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

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