Sunday, July 12, 2009

Review of My Bone Density Test Results from 2007-09-08 to 2009-07-11 and Actions to be taken

(1) My Bone Density Test by All link Medical & Health Products Pte Ltd at World Food Fair 2007 held at Suntec on 2007-09-08 (Sat) was not good. My T-score was –1.60.

(2) On 24 May 2008 (Saturday), I had a bone density test at All Link Medical & Health Products Pte Ltd booth at the Singapore Food Expo 2008 this evening at about 6.00 pm. Results = T-score = -1.9

(3) In the evening (at about 7.30 pm) of 2008-09-06 (Saturday) I visited World Food Fair 2008 at Suntec with Latte and GG.

I had a bone density test at Biocalth booth. Results = T-score = -1.0 and Stiffness = 92

Since my last test on 6 September 2008 , I have been taking two tablets of my 600-mg calcium with Vitamin D instead but I have also been taking two to three cups of 3-in1 coffee daily.

(4) On the evening of 4 April 2009, at about 5.000 pm I visited Lian He Wan Bao Beauty & Healthcare Fair 2009 at Suntec.

I had a bone density test at Biocalth booth. Results = T-score = -1.3 and Stiffness = 89 meaning Low Bone Mass requiring me to take Biocalth 2 tablets 2 times daily.

Later in the same evening, I had another bone health check at Anlene (Milik) booth. My T-score this time was – 0.8 and Osteoporosis Risk was low.

(5) I had my Bone Density Test using an Achilles InSight Bone Densitometer at 6.41 pm on 11 July 2009 at the booth of "Wyeth Consumer Healthcare" at "Health & U" Mega Health Exhibition @ Suntec Convention Hall, jointly organized by The Straits Times Mind Your Body and Lianhe Zaobao LOHAS (11 & 12 July 2009).

My T-score was -1.2, Stiffness index = 90 (plus or minus 2)

At about 5.30 pm in the same evening (11 July 2009) my bone test results at Biocalth booth was the same, i.e. T-score was -1.2

Summary of test results:

2007-09-08: T-Score = -1.6

2008-05-24: T-Score = -1.9

2008-09-06: T-Score = -1.0

2009-04-04: T-Score = -1.3 and T-Score = - 0.8
(Note: The second result given by another company might be inaccurate.)

2009-07-11: T-Score = -1.2 and T-Score = -1.2
(Two Tests by different companies)

Actions to be taken after 2009-07-11:

I may need to increase my daily dosage of calcium with vitamin D to 1500 mg and cut down my coffee.

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