Monday, August 31, 2009

Daily records of my weights in the month of August 2008

The following measurements were made in only shorts every morning after waking up and passing urine:

090801 55.1 kg (Sat)
090802 55.5 kg
090803 56.3 kg (Max weight of the month, BMI=20.431)
090804 56.0 kg
090805 55.6 kg
090806 54.8 kg
090807 55.6 kg
090808 55.1 kg (Sat)
090809 55.1 kg
090810 56.3 kg (Max weight of the month, BMI=20.431)
090811 55.6 kg
090812 55.3 kg
090813 55.0 kg
090814 55.6 kg
090815 54.3 kg (Sat) (Min weight of the month, BMI=19.705)
090816 55.1 kg
090817 55.8 kg
090818 55.2 kg
090819 54.8 kg
090820 55.3 kg
090821 55.5 kg
090822 55.0 kg (Sat)
090823 55.4 kg
090824 55.8 kg
090825 55.6 kg
090826 55.3 kg
090827 54.8 kg
090828 55.2 kg
090829 55.0 kg (Sat)
090830 55.5 kg

090831 55.5 kg

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