Saturday, September 12, 2009

How to Prevent Lung Cancer by

Step 1
Stop smoking. The number one cause of lung cancer is smoking. Studies show that even lifetime smokers who quit can drastically reduce their chances of getting lung cancer.

Step 2
Add plenty of fruits and vegetables, like cranberries and beans, to your diet. These foods are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, which work to repair cellular damage and guard your DNA. Doctors believe adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can prevent lung cancer.

Step 3
Have your home tested for radon periodically. Radon is a by-product of decayed uranium, which is found in the soil. Many homes are built on uranium-rich soil, which can increase your risk of getting lung cancer.

Step 4
Try to avoid secondhand smoke. The smoke from a lit cigarette is known to contain carcinogens that can cause cancer.

Step 5
Find out what you're being exposed to at work. Some common carcinogens found in the workplace include coal products, gasoline, diesel exhaust and asbestos.

Step 6
Ask your doctor whether you're at a high risk for lung cancer. A health professional should review your family history, living habits and carcinogenic exposure to determine your risk level. You can then work with your physician to map out a plan for reducing your risk of getting lung cancer.

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