Thursday, November 19, 2009

Factors Responsible for Hair Loss (by

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Hair loss is a common problem faced by millions of people all over the world. Even though every one loses about a 50-100 hairs per day as a part of body’s renewal process, it becomes a problem when more hairs are shed than scalp can renew.

There are several causes which give way to hair loss. Majority of people suffer from hair loss problems on account of a common cause which is hereditary, which often result in balding. In some certain medication, illness, diet and hair care practices also give way to hair loss problems.The hair loss problem resulting in baldness is mainly because of excess amount of a hormonal by product of testosterone called DHT.

DHT can obstruct the hair follicles and result in thinning of hair which finally ends in hair loss. It is not possible to have hair growth from these follicles and hence person suffers from baldness. Women face this problem after menopause as level of estrogen drops resulting in excess production of DHT.

There is strong genetic factor which decides the balding in you. This sort of hair loss is called as androgenetic alopacea. If your parents had this problem it is likely that you too have the problem.There are several factors which result in temporary hair loss. It may occur on account of underlying medical condition like thyroid diseases, anemia etc. It can also occur because of a contagious fungal infection generally called as ringworm of scalp.

Cancer treatments involving radiation therapy and chemotheraupeutic medication also result in hair loss. There are possibilities for hair loss owing to high fever, major surgery or due to severe infection etc.

Women face hair loss problems during the period of menstruation or after child birth because of the fluctuations in the hormonal levels. Sudden weight loss, excess of vitamin A intake and low intake of protein can also result in hair loss.

You hair care practices may also lead to hair loss. Improper use of dyes, gel etc can outcome in hair breakage.

Using too much chemical based shampoos, excess of shampooing and combing and vigorously rubbing wet hair can also lead to hair loss. Excess of dandruff, lack of cleaning, excess of demodex parasite in the scalp are also accountable. It is always useful to try a natural based shampoo for washing your hair.

There is an efficient type of a natural shampoo from a brand named Facedoctor. The shampoo named hair and scalp doctor antibacterial shampoo is prepared with sea buckthorn oil as key constituent and is found to be every much effective in preventing hair loss problems.

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