Thursday, December 31, 2009

My maximum and minimum weights in the month of December 2009

Maximum weight of December 2009 was 57.1 kg (Morning) on 1 Dec 2009 (Tue)

Minimum weight of December 2009 was 55.1 kg (Morning) on 5 Dec 2009 (Sat)

The possible reasons for such a big change in 5 days are:

(a ) I passed out about 500g of stools after I got my measurement of weight of 57.1 kg on 1 December 2009 because I measured myweights before and after passing motion with no food or water taken in between.

(b ) In the following few days I controlled my food intake.

My weight on the first day of the month 1 December 2009 (morning) = 57.1 kg

My weight on the last day of the month 31 December 2009 (morning) = 55.3 kg

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