Saturday, February 13, 2010

Articles about Caloric (Calorie) Restriction with Adequate Nutrution (CRAN) by Ben Best:

Caloric Restriction with Adequate Nutrition -- Overview (1995)

My Practice of Caloric Restriction with Adequate Nutrition (1998)

Weight Loss for CRAN

Review of "Caloric Restriction and Aging"

Is there a Late Life benefit with Caloric Restriction

Nuts & Bolts of a CRAN Diet -- October 1996

Nuts & Bolts of a CRAN Diet -- November 1996

Hemorrhoids and CRAN

Aspartame for a CRAN diet?

Info Source:

This website includes the following message of Beb Best:

"For about 2-and-a-half years I was a frequent contributer to the CR SOCIETY (Caloric Restriction Society) Mailing List. Many of my writings on the subject of CRAN are archived there, so you might want to browse my own writings as well as those of others practicing (or interested in) Caloric Restriction (with Adequate Nutrition, usually).

In October 1997, with 26 Charter Subscribers, I started my own ListServer devoted to the subject of CRAN. Monthly archives of postings to the CRAN list are available on another directory of this website up to May 1998, when I discontinued. "

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