Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Quick Guide to Healthy Living by healthfinder.gov

Info source: http://www.healthfinder.gov/prevention/

Welcome to the Quick Guide to Healthy Living. Find information and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy.

Choose a topic area below to get started.

Nutrition and FitnessGet nutrition and fitness tips for the whole family.

HIV and STDsProtect yourself from HIV and other STDs.

Important Screening TestsFind out which screening tests you need.

Cancer Screening and PreventionWorried about cancer? Get answers.

PregnancyGet tips for a healthy pregnancy.

Everyday Health and WellnessAre you doing enough to stay healthy?

For ParentsHelp your kids grow up healthy.

DiabetesDo you have diabetes or pre-diabetes?

Heart HealthDo you have heart disease? Are you at risk?

For WomenHealth tips for women.

Public Health and SafetyHelp keep your family and community safe.

For Older AdultsHealth tips for older adults.

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