Saturday, February 27, 2010

Vegetarian? Beware of deficiencies (by April Chong)

The following is a report by April Chong in Mind Your body of the Straits times dated 25 February 2010, Thursday.

If you are vegetarian, watch out for deficiencies in these nutrients:

· Iron
Iron from plants is not as well absorbed and this can lead to anaemia.
Get it from: Green leafy vegetables, figs, peas and broccoli

· Calcium
Bones get brittle over time if there is a lack of calcium.
Get it from: Calcium-enriched tofu, broccoli, seeds, nuts, kale, bok choy and legumes

· Protein
Plants lack certain essential amino acids, which are important building blocks for the body.
Get it from: Legumes, soya, beans, nuts, seeds and substitute meat products like vegetable burger patties (these are usually made of soya) and soya dogs

· Vitamin B12
Most plant foods lack this vitamin, which is needed for metabolic processes. A lack of vitamin B12 may increase one's risk of dementia.
Get it from: Nutritional supplements

· Omega-3 fatty acids
Helps to reduce the risk of heart problems and cholesterol levels.
Get it from: Walnuts, canola and soya

Information from Madam Koay Saw Lan, head of the department of dietetics and nutrition services at Singapore General Hospital; and Ms Teo Kiok Seng, a nutritionist from Nutrition Network Services

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