Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is Metabolic Age? The imporatnce of Metabolic Age Rating (by Tanita.co.uk)

What is Metabolic Age?

Metabolic Age Rating indicates what age level the user's BMR is currently rated at.

Basal Metabolic Rate decreases, as one grows older. Children have a higher BMR than adults due to the required energy to fabricate human tissue. BMR in children tends to peak at age 16/17.

Why is the Metabolic Age Rating important?

The monitor will calculate your BMR and an age will be given relating to statistical information collated during our extensive research.

If the age indicated is higher than the user's actual age then the user needs to improve their Basal Metabolic Rate. Increasing exercise levels will build healthier muscle tissue which will burn more calories consequently improving the user's metabolic age rating.

Results range guide

12 - 50 years
Displayed at increments of 1 year


A 30 year old woman with a 35 year old Basal Metabolic Age rating would need to address her fitness and health programme in order to lower her BMR rating.

Info Source: http://www.tanita.co.uk/index.php?id=32

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