Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dr Li Feng's experience in fighting cancer (我赚了30年)

The following was translated by Google Translate from the Chinese web page

You may find the translation not so easy to read! And the translation is not satisfactory from my point of view.

The Simplified Chinese version is appended after the English version.

Li Feng, MD (female doctors)
Education: Graduated from National Taiwan University School of Medicine
Institute in Toronto, Canada
Experience: National Taiwan University Hospital physician
Department of Pathology, National Taiwan University College of Medicine Associate Professor

Peaceful coexistence with lymphoma, is the biggest challenge of my life, but it is Thanksgiving, so I learned a lot, also received a lot of valuable experience. More importantly, let me experience, health must rely on their own.

The negative effect of ideological influence

Thirty years ago, when I was in Toronto, Canada, Institute of Education, there is fortunate that year, the Institute of homework will be the end of the discovery was hit with cancer. Proved to be cancer surgery the next day, I work agency boss to see me. First of all, said a long article on how sad his heart for emphasis. Then tell me to do things in the community, like a big machine in the small screws, as long as the middle of a small screw to stop working, will affect the efficiency of the machine. Then he pointed at me and said: "And you, obviously there will be a long time does not work, so I am sorry, please resign immediately."

When my boyfriend has obviously alienated me, I know, himself, had been completely isolated. I not only lost their jobs, have been abandoned by society, but also loved his abandoned, and, also abandoned by their own health. The value of my life, almost entirely be ruled out. So my feelings down to the lowest point, I thought of suicide.

After cancer surgery, many courses of radiation treatment because of bad effect after more than a year, still good times and bad to walking around in circles, cancer has not disappeared completely. Finally only one way to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy at the time, the current vision seems, is quite rough. Some time after treatment, platelets become little careless touched, bruises everywhere, if the internal heavy bleeding, it may be fatal. Discuss with the attending physician, can temporarily stop the treatment, doctors actually do not agree with the main rule. In this "medication will be bleeding to death, illness will not take medication," the situation, so I am patient, very difficult indeed. Think twice, decided to make a rebellious patient, I halted to chemotherapy. Looking back now, is the year to save his own rebellion.

Nursed back to health body and mind losing Yao Guanzi

Until back home, back to familiar surroundings, not only to regain the warmth of old friendship, and, very fortunate to resume work. These changes, so I gradually from the negative emotions into positive, although cancer still, I gradually learned how to live in peace with it, it does not have recurrence. But because the body is weak, the side effects of treatment, and the constant hospital has discharged, I became very Yao Guanzi magnanimous. Until a decade ago, because of high fever for two weeks and no rebate admitted to the National Taiwan University Hospital, after a lot of checking and consultation, the doctor announced that I get the third TB. I was of course very frustrating, but it also had obediently accepting fate, according to physician's prescription medication. When taking blood tests in the third day, they discovered that the anti-TB drugs is also a result of service in the suffering of the toxic hepatitis. So naturally I ordered another rebel doctors, stop taking. Not sleep a day, is sit. After a month, then according to chest radiographs, found that the TB doctor said even gone. This finding let me know a month ago of tuberculosis should be misdiagnosed, because TB is impossible not to take medicine and healing in a month.

This finding, so I have been pondering quite unlikely that such a level of multi-drug, but this created a side effect. Since in the end I will die from cancer? Or died due to other complications? The hospital, I had resolved never again rely on drugs, really since I did not swallow any pill again, including vitamins.

Belief: Health on their own

Method: Self-reflection

The patient, let me see the limits of Western medicine, I began to ponder ways in addition to other drugs, I also read a lot of books, but also to explore and even taste a lot of folk remedies and found that the most fundamental way, or on their own, The amendment to do on their own ideas and diet adjustments. After ten years of effort, I found my idea is correct, since then, I have not been hospitalized again, had very little in recent years with a cold. The concept of the amendment, in fact, self-examination.

"Me and really, why we get cancer?"
Many people heard doctors declare itself was very ill, they often will show up an innocent look, I hope to use cut, cut, poison, and kill foreign way of removing the disease, however, the disease really gratuitous to produce it? This is definitely not the world, "Hao Haode suddenly fall sick."
To cold, for example, if you really want the patient to self-reflect on it, often patients will show themselves in the cold before, had stayed up for several consecutive night: Some people would say that he recently blew the wind, the rain: others said that a lot of pressure of work, often a headache they sleep. In fact, these things, are all factors that cause the common cold, then words, if the patient's sensitivity and awareness enough so, naturally able to do "take precautions" goal.

In my personal experience, for example, when in Canada to graduate school, so they would get cancer, also has a long history. First of all, I am naturally cold, decided to go to Canada to study, is a violation of the principle of health. Secondly, in order to burden the family, side to go to school while working. More often in order to save some money to send home, so that breakfast and lunch are eating a sandwich inside out, Secretary to the night before and cook some pasta with beans and cheap supermarket frozen chicken gizzards, duck gizzard. Later, I realized, had their time eating many terrible, unhealthy food. Coupled with the boss is Jewish, the staff is very harsh, their physical and mental pressure on the natural is therefore conceivable. In that period of intense work, no friends, a repeated every day for work, days off work and go to school, the health situation is deteriorating natural. Fortunately, later of cancer saved my life. I have enough reason to leave that environment, find a way out.

Illness, not a cell treason, is himself ignorant of the cell pressure.

In fact, the physical occurrence of the disease, not a cell treason, violation of the order the owner, but the owner of ignorance, hard pressure on the cells, cells can not know that already exceed the limits of tolerance, therefore, cells have to strain. Sick, but could not take grievances of cells in the cries for help only. If the idea of modify it to read, recognize the illness by themselves responsible for their behavior, may feel ashamed, but to self-reflection, and Thanksgiving not the way to full of joy in the mood to see their changes, to do good to their own cells, to prevent them being wronged. If necessary, coupled with appropriate medical treatment, then even the condition is quite serious, there is still much room for recovery. Moreover, not only cancer, may even cure any disease, and that does not mean completely healed. If the concept and make good adjustments in lifestyle and eating, but also can become ill again.
I have observed under the microscope, a good NPC patients have been treated, twenty six years, no recurrence of cancer, after his death, his organization is still seen nasopharyngeal cancer, but cancer cells surrounded by normal cells only. Therefore, to improve the in vivo environment in which cancer cells can not grow, is a lifetime assignment, not lazy.

Adjust the diet to improve body

Adjusting eating habits is to improve the body's most direct and fastest way. General nutrition, we eat are from the. That is, create the body responsible for metabolism of every cell of the materials are coming from the diet. From another point of view, you can also say: You are from the food you eat into the. Therefore, if the diet is full of carcinogenic substances, in the future may not have cancer, how? Food additives, is another change in the quality of the food factor. Because there are many food additives are carcinogenic, if eat too work plus food, in the end will also eat into the number of carcinogenic substances, it is really no way to know. The amount of food will also affect nutrition. In the past, the poverty of the times, eating, poor nutrition and, of course, affect the body. Now, the economy is good, it touches on eating too much, causing nutritional imbalance, it was totally digested tissue, causing the so-called diseases of civilization, such as hypertension, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, etc., so that body affected. These circumstances, do changes in eating habits, in principle, is to maintain a balanced diet, eat additives, do not eat spoiled food, do not eat meat, eat more vegetables, fruits.

5 kinds of cancer, the body must be getting better and better vegetarian vegetarian

My own example is to do yoga to achieve the first five years, as long as one has any meat into the mouth, will spit it out unconsciously, because there is no religious element is not driven by my non-vegetarian, so I know that in the This situation is the gastrointestinal asked me not to eat such food. To this day, vegetarian 10 years and watched his body because of changes in eating habits getting better and better after every encounter gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer, I will force These patients have to be persuaded to change to a vegetarian diet, may be in accordance with other cancer patients, "Do not eat four-legged first two legs of the ring slowly, the last leg of the right to start again from there is no" principle, and gradually get rid of the habit of eating meat.

As to why these five cancer patients must be vegetarian? Because cervical cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer and hormones are closely linked not only with hormones and more meat, but also easy to change as hormone, increased carcinogen. In fact, the original stomach only grains, fruits and vegetables, enough to achieve the purpose of metabolism. Indulge in meat, will only increase the stomach's capacity, the accumulated dirt Bale harmful to the body.

Diet, such as drugs, must first understand the physical condition and properly with
Not everyone was completely raw food are suitable for all conditions, it was asked is that not everyone is suited to a diet? Vegetarian onion garlic you can eat?

My experience that not everyone is suited to completely raw, and, strictly speaking, the majority of Asians do not fit the physical completely raw food (cooked food must be compatible with the natural grain and so on.), If we eat raw food, then a good idea found the diet also has experience of practitioners Baba Mo, for an overall assessment to see whether the appropriate body to eat. The Bulb of the issues to garlic for a person in good physical condition, then absolutely do not need to rely on garlic for sterilization, and onions will affect the physical and emotional changes in hormone secretion, not necessarily useful to the health.

Do not milk, eggs, vegetarian, the same as health. It was also asked to eat vegetarian food, the need does not need to drink milk, eat eggs? I think milk is the calf raise, not raise people's: The eggs are hatched chicks had, in fact, like eggs, like a grain of brown rice is a complete nutrition, eat more brown rice, and eating eggs is no different.

Perhaps some people think, do not drink milk, do not eat eggs, no adequate intake of calcium, in fact, not necessarily from the calcium intake of eggs and milk, all have basically the root vegetables contain calcium. On the other hand, some people may worry about calcium intake is not enough, likely to develop osteoporosis, in fact, the problem of osteoporosis is not as we think, so serious, according to a survey, the global osteoporosis regions with the highest attack rate Alaska, followed by the United States and Europe, mainland China is very small, why not, because the Alaskan fish year round, the United States and the European people and often caused by eating meat, in other words, do not eat meat, milk and eggs, as people in mainland China and will not be suffering from osteoporosis.

As long as more exercise, eat brown rice and whole wheat bread, you will naturally avoid osteoporosis.

Physical exercise is the fundamental way to change

Movement is the most fundamental way to change the constitution. Because each person's body, already has a poison against foreign invasion, or cancer of the capacity. Only, the internal body environment and the environment outside the body have too many harmful factors, the body that barriers to such immunity, disease, and cancer was inevitable. The campaign, will enable the internal environment of the cell body, by promoting blood circulation to bring oxygen and nutrients, in turn, has increased the cell viability. Therefore, the body's immune system, can increase.

Disease, I started doing sports is mountain climbing. I say climb, climb up the mountain does not really do sports, but in those industries just walk around the hill the road. At that time, my conscience, I do not like mountain climbing. I took part in mountain climbing, can be said to be my husband forced. (Note: the public long Thanksgiving this compassionate care of her dependents, to pay tribute here to thank!) Every Sunday, he would have to pack, dry rations, water bottles ready, and then pulled me up the road. This is because my body was too weak reason, like climbing a mountain, still pieces hast forsaken me. He said the mountain that period I was afraid to go out of the sun, rain is afraid to take, hair is afraid to take. In fact, the reason will be out of the sun is afraid to take, because after being treated, my physique is poor, sun the sun, the skin will be itchy. The reason why rain is afraid to take because I'm afraid of cold. After treatment, my body is poor, simply can not be compared with others. Normal weather, others do not vulnerable to cold, but why I'll catch a cold. The reason for hair is afraid to take is for a reason. After treatment, my blood circulation is poor, often have cold hands and feet. When hiking, climbing on others is a sweat, I have to climb a long, body will be hot, if the wind will be cold but farther, it can not stand. Even so, when I go hiking when the stop, but the cumulative time, I tasted the benefits of it to me, even my health is progressing slowly. Now, the itch of the problem has simply disappear, wind and rain for me, not resistance. After continuous temper, and now, my climbing and walking skills, they are more and more progress. In the past, take the short road, it must be shed?

Your cell looks tired, quickly climbing to supplemental oxygen, cancer will return to normal.
Keep cancer cells in the laboratory, if the rate of oxygen, cancer cells keep well, if the rate of carbon dioxide, cancer cells grow too well. This means that our own internal environment to get oxygen, the cells turn into cancer cells before they do nothing to adapt to the environment, if environmental factors in the hypoxia deleted, supplementary oxygen, in fact, cancer cells will return to normal.

For three decades, I have seen many patients, those who listen to me, then away mountain climbing, hiking or even every day people, the body is very obvious improvement. Now, whenever I see the patient or his friends through the microscope the cells show hypoxia conditions, I would remind each other: "Your hypoxia, look tired, quickly go to the mountains." In addition to hiking, walking, jogging outside I have spent a lot of time doing yoga, qigong and meditation exercises. Those who exercise, at the beginning, what results could not see, but after a while, the body is still improving. However, yoga teachers are not generally require students to "re-bend a little, then bend a little," is to fast pace of teaching.

In fact, yoga should be done well, slow and insufficient warm-up exercises are essential elements of the two. As I once spent an hour on the study "Assessment corpse-style": take two years to learn warm-up exercise, the result, the body is not only more healthy, I feel much sensitive than in the past.

Exercise four hours a day, for quality of life

Own liturgy and ceremony yoga, cultivating and exercise
Almost everyone knows the importance of healthy exercise, but who can really take action, not more. Since I started doing yoga, hiking, meditation, after four hours of exercise a day to maintain. 4 hours! For many people, may feel strange, but if the exercise four hours a day, the remaining 20 hours can make more comfortable: If you do not exercise all day, 24 hours is not comfortable, you choose that side?

: Li Feng, MD, sleep six hours a day, morning three, four get up, empty stomach two hours of yoga practice, and then meditate over an hour. She often said, to spend four hours a day to exercise, you can exchange for the other twenty hours of whole body relaxed, this too is worth the investment: Over the past few years, she invented yoga bowing, kneeling down to worship at the time into yoga movement, but also can repair heart health.

Laughter, not anger, the positive side and relax four strokes
To live apart from physiological factors, three years, to overcome the disease, but also from the psychological need to start with, like to laugh, do not get angry, and a positive attitude towards all things, there is learning to relax, that is, I can shoot them down for so many years of disease one of the reasons.

Learning Laughter is a very special assignment. Because I know when to laugh, especially when laughing, the body's cells are relaxed. Cells only when completely relaxed, to round Wet your full of energy, enough to meet foreign aggression.

Just started to learn to laugh, is not really wanted to laugh, but the effort to smile into her mouth like Bala, but over time, will naturally be with the heart, really get all day is a happy look. Get cancer after school laugh became one of the topics of my life.

Once a patient brows came to me, I saw her unhappy look, asked her mother to come accompanied by a small girl, "Your mother is afraid of not ticklish?" The little girl said, "ticklish." So I quietly told the girl, "after the mother lying in bed, You've got to scratch her itch." a result, the mother of a laugh back in the day, the case of slowly Yu Xie of the locked brow.

Angry that other people have done something wrong, I punish their own
Learning is not angry is a difficult homework. Because I am a man upright, but also love something for it, an unreasonable or unfair to see things, Badaoxiangzhu spirit will come. Since I understand the "definition of angry people have done something wrong, I punish myself." After I started to practice hard, but old habits die hard, I was after this process four or five years, only to see a little point performance. At first, someone dared me to, I will immediately respond, then they regret it: Then I see other people in the provocation, I see I was getting angry, then immediately fled to a place of provocation can not see, and then slowly adjust their own emotions: and then I gradually do not need to flee the scene can suppress temper, but also need to say to yourself: "Hello poor." to balance their emotions: Now, what I have seen, however, has been maintained smile.

Congratulations to the patients of cancer

Maintain a positive attitude on the effect of the disease have a great impact.
I have cancer as early as one frustration after another, on the life and future of no confidence, an effect on. But get cancer at later stages, of life, to restore confidence in the future, although no treatment, but instead the body get better.

Therefore, since my health and progress of the future, in addition to my profession, I am most happy to do one thing is for cancer patients to fight lamb soup C whenever a dejected that doomsday is approaching the cancer patients, was introduced to see me later, often after some questions about the interpretation, especially when he saw my real-life example, vigorous stand before him, he's confident it will be very easy to set up. Thus, the drooping head, her face came in the patients suffering as a result, was able to raised his head, his face full of smile to step out of my office. I do not reveal a miracle. I just let those cancer patients to see "hope" and let their emotions quickly from the negative into a positive.

Cancer patients even came to me, I would say, "Congratulations you have cancer," the other one will naturally wonder, I explained, "If you can not cancer, how to change eating habits? How will start to exercise?, How will learn to smile? Furthermore, from now on, your life will get better day by day, day after day of quality, this way, how could it not worthy of congratulations? "So, the other one, and sure enough the situation of their diseased won over many. To be relatively stable in patients with mood, to leave, I will say, "once again congratulate you." The other one, is confused, "Congratulations as before, what do they deserve congratulations once again?" At this time, I will unhurried answered, "I put three years experience in a sudden fight against cancer health to you, this not a matter worthy of congratulations?" In this way, the other with a full, contented feeling leave.

Use of "magic weapon earn 30 years"

If everything from positive thinking, everything will become very good: On the contrary, everything from the negative thinking, everything become very bad. As my husband to me, so resolutely to unplug the phone line at home so after I finished work, but also a lot of phone calls, although this seems to me that some inconvenience, but, from another angle of view, to work quietly use the time to do yoga, exercise, but the body is not very helpful to you? Moreover, what is really important thing, the next day you can reach the office, and why unobstructed mind? Relaxed look easy, but it is most difficult, because relaxation from the heart to start. Heart really relax, the body's cells to relax. The mind should be relaxed, to put down a lot now world of values, including the name, Lee, love .... and so on. My approach is to start from the clean drawer, not the things that had been immediately sent away, open, clothing items as well, even extending to relationships, so people get live very simple, very plain, and they relaxed. At that time, doctors pronounced the life I have only six months now, I think I "Earn more than three decades." Why? Laughing, not angry and looking at things positively, learning to relax should be an important magic weapon!

The more good to change faster

Over the years, I only saw a lot of cancer patients, some patients with one to become friends and fight together, share their experiences and encouraging each other to survive. We found that the more impressive to live long and live people are often the courage to examine themselves, and adhere to modify their lifestyles. "To the more change the more thorough, better faster." Has become our principle.

Nutrition is a living cell to Ziliang, if eaten every day full of antibiotics and hormones in livestock meat, cells do not get sick do not want to become. Full of chemical pesticides and processing of food, but also caused the cells to intoxication. Only back to nature, to the cells back to life.
Benefits of exercise are the body's circulation and smooth, the nutrients and oxygen into the place to go on the sick cell, is particularly important. If you choose one, two, or for their favorite sport, and with perseverance to do so, one day, results will naturally emerge. Psychological adjustment, extremely important. To know that your body's cells, in the end is to listen to their own or listen to other people for? Of course, listen to their own. Then, by order of the cells themselves, we should not help cells that are not under the command, such as anger, worry, negative, ...., cell without fear for outside consultants, it is easier to tackle internal problems, the immunity against cancer , it is easy to increase is the only real way to solve the cancer. Self-reflection as well as personally, as long as the adhere to, these things are not as so difficult, and, if it continues to persist, all diseases, even cancer, will automatically give, rise to healthy cells.



(Simplified Chinese version was added on 2014-08-13)

与淋巴癌和平共处,是我此生最大的挑战,可是感恩它,让我学到很多,   也获得很多难得的经验,更重要的是让我体验到,健康必须靠自己。

      最後只剩下化學治療一個辦法。當時的化療,以目前的眼光看起來,是相當粗糙的。       治療了一段時間後,血小板變得很少,不小心一碰,到處都會瘀青,如果內部大量出血,就可能致命。與主治醫師商量,是否可以暫時停止治療,主冶醫師竟然不同意。在這種「吃藥會出血致死,不吃藥又會病死」的情形下,做病人的我,的確非常為難。考慮再三,決定作個反叛的病人,我自己把化學治療停掉了。現在回想起來,是當年的反叛救了自己。





        全然生食 並非人人於各條件下都適合,有人問說是不是每個人都適合吃生機飲食?吃素食可以吃蔥蒜嗎? 


        事實上,瑜伽要做得好,慢及足夠的熱身運動是不可少的兩大要件。就像我自己就曾經花了一個小時學「攤屍式」:花兩年的時間學熱身運動,結果,身體不但愈來愈健康,感覺也較以往靈敏許多。每天運動四小時 换取生活品质自创礼佛瑜伽,修心又健身。 


        多活三十年 除了生理因素之外,要克服病魔,還必須從心理層面下手,像笑、不生氣及以正面態度看待一切事情,還有學習放鬆,即是我這麼多年來能夠降服疾病的一大原因。 






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