Friday, June 4, 2010

Salt and Cancer (by The Cancer Council NSW, Australia)

Info Source:

Salt is sodium chloride. Diets high in salt have been linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer. Too much salt (sodium) can also lead to high blood pressure.

The body does need some salt to work. However in most circumstances we get all our requirements naturally from foods. There is no need to add salt to foods. It is a good idea to switch to a low-salt diet and try flavouring foods with herbs and spices instead.

But I don't add salt to my food!

Most of the salt we eat comes from packaged and take-away foods such as pizza, pies, sauces, condiments, seasonings, dressings, soups, margarines, bread and breakfast cereals. When shopping, read labels and choose products with less sodium. Some foods that are made salty should be used sparingly such as yeast extract spreads, olives, cheese and anchovies.

Look for “no added salt” or “low salt” foods in the supermarket. A “low salt” food has less than 120mg of sodium per 100g. “Reduced salt” products can be purchased too if these are the lowest salt options available.

How much salt is ok?

You should try and eat no more than 6g of salt (2300mg sodium) each day. This is about 1½ teaspoons of salt.

Tips for eating less salt

Reduce the salt you use gradually - this will help you get used to the flavour
To add flavour to meals, use garlic, onion, chilli, lemon juice, vinegar, pepper, herbs, curry paste and spices

Swap salty snacks like pretzels, salted nuts and potato chips for fruit, low fat yoghurt or low-salt crackers

Limit take-away foods

Cut back on the amount of pre-packaged sauces, condiments and dehydrated foods such as seasoning mixes and soups that you use

Reduce your intake of processed meats, such as sausages and salami

Choose fish canned in spring water rather than fish canned in brine

Include more fresh fruit and vegetables

Salsa your way to less salt

A salsa is simply a sauce or topping for meat, chicken, fish, pasta, noodles, salad or bread. Try the following salsa ideas to add a real flavour boost to your meals. Simply chop ingredients finely and mix.

Thai: fresh coriander, sweet chilli sauce, and crushed peanuts.

Italian: fresh basil, fresh tomato, onion, pepper, balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.

Spanish: crushed garlic, chopped fresh tomato, Spanish onion, continental parsley.

Mexican: avocado, fresh tomato, red capsicum and chilli paste.

Chinese: shallot, crushed garlic, onion, crushed ginger, sesame oil and a dash of salt-reduced soy sauce.

Indian: cucumber, low fat natural yoghurt, mint, mango chutney and curry powder or paste.

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