Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weighty Issues (From The Sunday Times dated 25 July 2010)

Source: A report in The Sunday Times dated 25 July 2010

Obesity poses some rather weighty problems.

It contributes to many health problems, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

While it is important to stay healthy, there is more to the issue than just weight.
Dr Peter Eng, who specialises in endocrinology and thyroid- and obesity-related diseases at Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, said weight per se may not be an accurate reflection of body fat.

Better measurements of body fat include the body mass index and waist circumference.
'Cardiovascular diseases as well as diabetes have a greater association with measurements of body fat than with weight,' he said.

Being overweight is also not always due to a lack of exercise or overeating, he pointed out.

'Research has shown that there is a significant genetic component when it comes to obesity. It is estimated that a person's genes may account for between 40 and 80 per cent of the cause of obesity,' he said.

Dr Eng stressed the need to look beyond quick fixes such as diets and opt for regular exercise, a balanced diet and a positive outlook towards life.

'I think any pageant which stresses the need for all of these, should not be written off.'

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