Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is Wheat germ

Info Source:

"Wheat germ" is a nutritious super food, rich in vitamin B complex, vitamin E, enzymes, minerals and more.

The "germ" is the most nutritious portion of the wheat kernel and makes up only about 2 1/2 % of its weight. Wheat germ is the reproductive area or embryo from which the seed germinates to form the sprout that becomes the green wheat grass.

(NOTE: The term "germ" comes from the word germinate, and does not refer to "germs" such as bacteria and viruses.)

Wheat germ is usually separated from the bran and starch during the milling of flour because the germ's perishable oil content limits the keeping time of the flour.

Wheat germ contains almost none of the sticky gluten protein to which many with a wheat allergy react.

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