Monday, August 30, 2010

Green Drinks Singapore

About Green Drinks Singapore


Founded in November 2007, Green Drinks Singapore is a non-profit environmental group that seeks to connect the community, businesses, activists, academia and government, as well as plug the information gap that exists in the local landscape. We do this by organising informal talks every last Thursday of the month to allow opportunities for information sharing and networking, over drinks! Once in a while, we hold discussions, documentary screenings and workshops to further engage the public and participants.

Singapore is one of more than 710 cities with a Green Drinks presence. Started in 1989 in London, the Green Drinks movement is a self-organising network that is meant to be simple and unstructured. The global site can be found at

Do come join us at our sessions, which is held on the last Thursday of every month (except Christmas). Our location may vary from month-to-month, so do contact Olivia at or +65 96887449 for more information.
Everyone is welcome, and admission is free! We’d love to meet you!

Be sure to join our Facebook group, and follow our tweets on Twitter!

Info Source:

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