Sunday, September 26, 2010

Health Benefits of Carrots

Info Source:

Carrots For Natural Good Health

Possible Therapeutic Benefits:

--- lower the risk of cancer

--- lower blood cholesterol

--- prevent constipation

--- helpful for general nervousness, asthma, skin disorders, vision

Carrots are good for lowering cholesterol: Two and a half medium-sized raw carrots eaten daily lower blood cholesterol by about 11%.

Carrots are good for lowering the risk of cancer: One carrot (half a cup) once a day can cut the risk of lung cancer in half. The beta carotene component in carrots is particularly of benefit.

To get the most anticancer protection, eat some carrots cooked. Cooking releases carotenes which are believed to be the active ingredients shielding carcinogenic attacks. You get two to five times more carotene from cooked carrots than from raw ones. But don't overcook, as much of the precious beta carotene will be lost.

New research has shown that the compound falcarinol in carrots can protect animals from cancer. The study involved only raw carrots - it is not yet known if carrot juice or cooked carrots have the same effect.

Carrots are good for improving vision: Carrots are rich in beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A - a crucial nutrient for maintaining proper eyesight. If your body is deficient in vitamin A, then regular consumption of carrots will be of benefit.

Carrots are good for weight loss: Grated carrot makes a great snack. You'll find that a grated carrot is much more filling than a whole carrot - strange but true.

Carrots are also rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, and minerals.

It is recommended that we eat one carrot a day as part of our fruit and vegetable intake.

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