Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Causes Stomach Cancer? (by

The exact cause of stomach cancer is unknown, but a number of conditions can increase the risk of the disease. These include:

· Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection of the stomach. H. pylori is a bacterium that infects the lining of the stomach and causes chronic inflammation and ulcers.

· Advanced age (an average age of 70 for men and 74 for women).

· Male gender (men have more than double the risk of getting stomach cancer over women.)

· A diet low in fruits and vegetables.

· A diet high in salted, smoked, or preserved foods.

· Chronic gastritis.

· Pernicious anemia.

· Some gastric polyps.

· Family history of gastric cancer (which can double or triple the risk).

· Smoking.

Other people who may be at an increased risk include:

· People who use tobacco or drink alcoholic beverages regularly.

· Workers in certain industries, including those in the coal mining, nickel refining, and rubber and timber processing industries.

· Workers exposed to asbestos fibers.

Info Source:


  1. There are many known risk factors for stomach cancer, but it is not known exactly how these factors cause cells of the stomach lining to become cancerous.Anyway, Thanks for sharing this post.

  2. Long-term infection with this organism can lead to inflammation and pre-cancer changes the lining of the stomach. Smoking can increase the risk of stomach cancer. Deep relationship with people who have this disease are create more chances of stomach cancer.

  3. Expert-reviewed information summary about factors that may influence the risk of developing stomach cancer & about research aimed at the prevention of this disease.

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