Monday, October 25, 2010

Honey -- a new ingredient to my multi grain meal

On 22 October 2010, I added 22 grams of Manuka honey UMF 10+ manufactured by Honey Valley New Zealand LTD to my multigrain meal as another ingredient to add variety to my relatively monotonous meal.

According to a Chinese book translated from Japanes entitled “ Do in this way, cancer disappears” (这样做,让癌症消失)( I S B N : 9789861362199 ) by Dr. Takaho Watayo (济阳高穗), a cancer patient should take two table-spoonfuls of honey daily to help curing cancer. In page 151 of the book, he recommends Manuka honey from New Zealand for its quality and he also said that New Zealand bans use pesticide in areas producing honey.

Note 1: The original title of the book is Ima aru gan ga kieteiku shokuji in Japanese

Note 2 : Prof. Takaho Watayo has a special significance to the Gerson Therapy, as he is one of the two Japanese Professors of Medicine who are doing long-term scientific studies of the Gerson Therapy in Japan. The other is Prof. Yoshihiko Hoshino, M.D., who healed himself of cancer.

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