Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anorexia Tell-Tale signs (from the Sunday Times dated 28 November 2010)

The following is from the Sunday Times dated 28 November 2010:

Tell-Tale signs

Teens suffering from anorexia go to extremes to reach and maintain a dangerously low body weight. But no matter how much weight is lost or how thin they become, it is never enough. The more the scale dips, the more obsessed they become with food, dieting, and weight loss, doctors say.


1 Dieting despite being thin. They follow a severely restricted diet by eating only certain low-calorie foods and banning 'bad' foods such as carbohydrates and fats.

2 Obsession with calories, fat and nutrition. They read food labels, measure and weigh portions, keep a food diary and read diet books.

3 Pretending to eat or lying about eating. They hide, play with, or throw away food to avoid eating. They make excuses to get out of meals, saying things like 'I had a huge lunch' or 'My stomach isn't feeling good'.

4 Preoccupation with food. They eat very little but constantly think about food. They may cook for others, collect recipes, read food magazines or make meal plans.

5 Strange or secretive food rituals. They often refuse to eat around others or in public places. They may eat in rigid, ritualistic ways, like chewing food 32 times or using a specific plate.


1 Loss of menstrual periods or, in the case of pre-teens, delayed onset of puberty

2 Lack of energy, weakness

3 Feeling cold all the time

4 Dry, yellowish skin

5 Constipation and abdominal pain

6 Restlessness and insomnia

7 Dizziness, fainting, and headaches

8 Growth of fine hair all over the body and face

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